Will drinking yogurt before going to bed make you fat?

Will drinking yogurt before going to bed make you fat?

Many people like to drink a glass of milk before going to bed, which is liked by many elderly people, because some elderly people may not sleep very well at night, so drinking a glass of pure milk before going to bed can promote sleep, but for us Some young people like to drink yogurt before going to bed. So is it better to drink milk or yogurt before going to bed?

Is it better to drink milk or yogurt before going to bed?

Drinking yogurt before going to bed has many benefits for the body. First of all, for people who often suffer from insomnia, drinking a cup of yogurt before going to bed at night can help you sleep and make you feel more relaxed. Because today's young people are also under a lot of pressure. They are so busy all day long that they can't take time to treat themselves. Young people living today will regress if they don't work hard. Sometimes they are very tired when they go back at night, but sometimes they feel tired when they lie down. I can't sleep anymore, so I suggest every struggling young person to drink a cup of yogurt when going to bed at night, which will increase sleepiness.

Furthermore, many people know that milk contains high calcium, but compared with it, the lactic acid contained in yogurt combines with calcium to promote calcium absorption. Generally speaking, drinking yogurt has the best effect between 30 minutes and 2 hours after a meal. However, Chinese medicine recommends that in order to maximize the calcium-supplementing effect of yogurt, it is best to drink yogurt at night. This is because 12 o'clock in the evening to early morning is the time when the human body's blood calcium content is lowest, which is conducive to the absorption of calcium in food. During the time period from 12 pm to early morning, there are fewer factors that affect calcium absorption in the human body.

Will drinking yogurt at night make you fat?

Drinking yogurt in moderation at night will not make you fat. First of all, yogurt is a low-calorie food, and the nutrients contained in it can be quickly absorbed and utilized by the body and will not accumulate in the body and cause weight gain. Furthermore, yogurt is mainly rich in lactobacilli, which only regulates intestinal flora, helps digestion and prevents obesity. It does not contain energy-rich substances and will not cause you to become obese. In addition, drinking yogurt before going to bed can help the body replenish calcium, because the lactic acid and other substances contained in yogurt can help promote gastrointestinal motility and effectively prevent and treat constipation. This makes many people prefer to drink yogurt before going to bed instead of milk. However, if you have a weak stomach at ordinary times, it is best not to drink yogurt before going to bed to avoid bloating and pain.

Things to note when drinking yogurt

1. Don’t drink yogurt on an empty stomach

Usually the pH value of human gastric juice is between PH1-3, and the pH value on an empty stomach is below 2, while the pH value for the growth of active lactic acid bacteria in yogurt is above pH5.4. If you drink yogurt on an empty stomach, the lactic acid bacteria will be easily absorbed by the stomach acid. If killed, its nutritional value and health care effects will be greatly reduced.

2. Do not heat yogurt to drink

If the temperature is too high, the beneficial bacteria in the yogurt will lose activity. If you buy yogurt for several days at a time, it should be stored in the refrigerator compartment. The shelf life of yogurt is generally only 7-14 days.

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