Why do people with diabetes need to self-monitor?

Why do people with diabetes need to self-monitor?

Since diabetics lose their own ability to regulate metabolism, small changes in the internal and external environment will cause blood sugar fluctuations (such as climate change, improper diet, stress and fatigue, mood swings, etc.). In order to control the disease at a satisfactory level, it is necessary to Frequently monitor or self-monitor some indicators of diabetes to obtain information on blood sugar and related metabolic abnormalities, which can be used as a reliable basis for adjusting diet, exercise and drug treatment, and determine whether the current treatment is correct and up to standard. In this way, in addition to strictly controlling high blood sugar, it can also prevent the occurrence of iatrogenic hypoglycemia.
As we all know, diabetes education today is an important part of diabetes prevention and treatment, and diabetes self-monitoring is the best way to implement diabetes education. Every diabetic patient who self-monitors must receive training on the significance of monitoring, monitoring techniques, result analysis and medication methods in advance, so that patients can have a more comprehensive knowledge of diabetes.
At the same time, good doctor-patient cooperation will naturally be established during subsequent follow-up visits to jointly evaluate the quality of disease control. The beginning of diabetes self-monitoring means that people with diabetes have joined the self-care team and are members of the team. Under the unified care of the health care system, patients are obliged to cooperate with doctors, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists, exercise physiologists, Social psychologists work together to control the progression of the condition and achieve successful management.
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