What to do if blood sugar is high after a meal

What to do if blood sugar is high after a meal

The most distressing thing for diabetic patients every day is that they take medicine on time and in large amounts, but their blood sugar remains high 2 hours after a meal.

This article will teach you 4 methods. In summary, it is the "three changes and one increase" method, which is very effective in dealing with postprandial hyperglycemia. Please see below for specific instructions!

Change your diet

1. When the amount of physical activity is stable, the diet should be regular and quantitative, and be able to maintain a standard weight for a long time.

2. Each meal should be paired with staple food and non-staple food. Diversify the types of food: Eat more than 12 types of food every day and more than 25 types every week, including salt, vinegar, soy sauce, etc., because the more types of food, the longer it takes to absorb, making it easier to control post-meal blood sugar levels. .

3. Eat small, frequent meals and spread out your meals to minimize the burden on the pancreas after a single meal and reduce post-meal blood sugar levels.

4. Proper cooking: The simpler the food is processed and cooked, the richer the nutrients, and the more beneficial it is to controlling sugar. For example, eating whole grains as staple food, vegetable salad, steamed fish, etc. are all good choices. Because food processing and cooking methods are different, the impact on blood sugar is also different:

(1) The same brown rice (such as black rice, red rice, etc.) will have a higher glycemic index when made into porridge, but will be relatively lower when made into rice. This is because the amount of water used in making porridge is larger than that in cooking, which allows the starch granules to fully absorb water, swell, and completely gelatinize, making it easier to digest and absorb, causing blood sugar to rise higher after a meal.

Therefore, patients with diabetes should choose less delicate porridge and more whole grains. Do not cook the porridge for too long and drink it when the rice is cooked.

(2) Choose less pure rice and more multigrain rice. According to your personal taste, you can add a certain proportion of beans (such as adzuki beans, soybeans and other beans) and oats, barley, millet and other ingredients from less to more, because cereals do not contain lysine (an essential ingredient for the human body). amino acid), beans do not contain methionine (also an essential amino acid for the human body). The combination of the two can not only complement the protein and improve the nutritional value, but also reduce the proportion of white rice, so that the increase in blood sugar after a meal will not be too high. high.

However, if diabetic patients have kidney disease, beans should be avoided.

5. Eat more vegetables appropriately. Diabetic patients can eat 300 grams of vegetables per meal, especially green and dark vegetables rich in dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins; eat less starchy roots such as yams, lotus roots, and potatoes. Vegetables, if you eat these vegetables, the amount of staple food will be reduced accordingly.

Second, change the order of eating

That is, drinking a glass of water first, then eating vegetables can increase the feeling of fullness, delay absorption, and better control the rate of blood sugar rise, and finally eat the staple food.

Three changes: Change eating speed

Chew carefully and slowly, chewing each mouthful of rice about 20-30 times. You can try to eat with your left hand (for right-handed people; otherwise, eat with your right hand). Each meal should be eaten for at least 20 minutes.

:Increase exercise

Exercise should follow the "" principle: exercise 1 hour after meals, 30 minutes each time, at least 5 times a week, and the heart rate during each exercise should not exceed 70% of the pre-exercise level.
If the heart rate before exercise is 80 beats/minute, the heart rate during exercise should not exceed 136 beats (80+80×70%=136).

You won’t know until you try it!

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