What is a healthy diet?

What is a healthy diet?

A healthy diet has many benefits for us. Scientific research has found that many chronic diseases are closely related to diet, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc. A healthy diet can reduce the risk of disease and help the body maintain its immune system and metabolic functions. normal operation.
healthy eating principles
Food diversity,
A diverse diet,
Eat more fruits and vegetables,
Eat crude fiber cereals regularly,
Less salt, less sugar and less processing.
So how do we achieve healthy eating?
1. Balanced nutrition.
According to the Chinese dietary pagoda, the first level is the largest and the fifth level is the smallest. In life, we should not suffer from hunger, nor should we overeat. We should not be partial to certain foods, and we should not be partial to certain foods. Try not to When you are a picky eater, certain foods are taboo based on your physical condition.
2. Eat small meals frequently, and it is appropriate to be 70% full at each meal.
Eating without restraint and being hungry after a full meal can easily damage the body. An interval of more than 3 hours between each meal can not only prevent obesity caused by excess calories, but also relieve gastrointestinal pressure and help nourish and benefit the stomach. Seventy percent full is the most suitable state for the gastrointestinal tract. Being able to eat is a blessing, eating well is wisdom, and eating small meals often is the secret to staying away from diseases.
3. Eat regularly and quantitatively, chew slowly and carefully.
Not only should the three meals not be overly full, but one should also eat on time and in a regular amount, so that the stomach develops a regular pattern, promotes the secretion of digestive glands, and helps digestion. Medical experts recommend chewing slowly to fully chew food, exercise jaw strength, protect gums and gums, and help reduce gastrointestinal pressure and promote nutrient absorption.
4. Three less and one high, reduce the frequency of eating junk food.
"Three less and one high" refers to less salt, less sugar, less oil and high fiber. Excessive intake can easily cause edema, hyperglycemia, obesity and other diseases, and increase the burden on the heart; eating more high-fiber foods can promote detoxification in the body, prevent constipation, and protect the skin. Eat less seasonings and overly processed foods, and savor more of the food’s true flavor.

In fact, the most important thing is to change your mind. When you are no longer obsessed with takeout hot pot, when you feel that potato chips and spicy strips are not a must-eat, but a controlled and conceptual diet. After decades of living in this world, it is not wrong to enjoy life in time. What we really need to do is to be responsible for our own bodies.

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