What effects does hypoglycemia have on people?

What effects does hypoglycemia have on people?

The dangers and prevention of hypoglycemia are matters of great concern to diabetic patients. Many diabetic patients are very clear about the dangers of hyperglycemia, but they are not clear about the dangers and prevention of hypoglycemia.
       Hypoglycemia can cause damage to brain cells. Since the energy metabolism of brain tissue relies entirely on glucose in the blood, the glucose stored in the brain tissue is very limited and can only maintain brain cell function for five to ten minutes. Therefore, when hypoglycemia occurs, , the glucose in the blood decreases, and of course the glucose entering the brain tissue also decreases. In this case, the brain tissue is very vulnerable to damage. If the hypoglycemic coma lasts for more than 6 hours, the brain cells will be severely damaged, which can lead to Dementia, even after treatment, the brain tissue does not return to normal.
      Hypoglycemia can also affect the function of the heart, causing arrhythmia, angina, or acute myocardial infarction. Since blood sugar is one of the sources of energy for cells, low blood sugar will cause a short-term lack of energy supply in the body. Among the more vulnerable cells are brain cells. A person only has the number of brain cells available at birth, about 12 billion, during his or her lifetime. Bones, liver, muscles and other other organs or tissues can recover quickly due to cell division and proliferation after damage, but brain cells cannot be regenerated. Each brief episode of hypoglycemia will cause the atrophy of approximately 300,000 brain cells, and these brain cells cannot be restored. If hypoglycemia occurs frequently, it will cause a person's memory to decline and his reaction ability to slow down. This is due to brain cell atrophy caused by low blood sugar.
            All cells and nerves in the human body have tolerance. During the initial hypoglycemia, the nerves will be extremely sensitive. However, as hypoglycemia occurs more and more times, the tolerance of the nerves will also be changed, and they will become It is very dangerous. When it is extremely sensitive, severe hypoglycemia will occur when the blood sugar is 3.5mol/l. However, when the number of hypoglycemia increases, the tolerance of the nerves also increases. This is when the blood sugar is 3.5mol/l. At that time, the nervous system in the body can no longer reflect to the brain that hypoglycemia has occurred, because the nervous system believes that this is a normal condition in your body. At this moment, it is very easy to cause hypoglycemic coma. There is a high probability of hypoglycemia coma occurring in about 30 minutes. brain death.
      Some people think that hypoglycemia is nothing. If it happens and they eat some candies, it will be fine. But they don’t know that a small amount of hypoglycemia can lead to so many serious things. So everyone must be careful not to have hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. The dangers permeate slowly, but the dangers of hypoglycemia are as fierce as a tiger.
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