What are the symptoms of hypoglycemia?

What are the symptoms of hypoglycemia?

Hypoglycemia is a special complication caused by low blood sugar levels. The blood sugar level of people with diabetes is generally lower than 3.9mmol/L. Compared with high blood sugar, hypoglycemia causes relatively greater damage to the body of people with diabetes. Therefore, it is very important to understand the symptoms of hypoglycemia. Different people may have different feelings. It is very important for people with diabetes to understand how they will react when their blood sugar is low. Hypoglycemia can occur at any time. The best way to know if you are suffering from hypoglycemia is to monitor your blood sugar!
However, the blood glucose meter is not always around, what should I do? Let’s first understand the symptoms displayed by the body when hypoglycemia occurs! ! ! Mild hypoglycemia mainly manifests as symptoms such as hunger, palpitation, hand tremors, physical weakness, and cold sweats. At this time, the blood sugar of people with diabetes is generally above 2.0mmol/L. Severe hypoglycemia is due to the lack of blood sugar supply to the brain tissue of people with diabetes. The main symptoms are: confusion, lethargy, convulsions, coma and even death. At this time, the blood sugar of people with diabetes usually drops below 2.0mmol/L. Generally speaking, the severity of hypoglycemia symptoms is consistent with the severity of hypoglycemia, but not always. When most people with diabetes experience symptoms of hypoglycemia such as hunger, palpitation, sweating, and limp body, their blood sugar levels are low. However, when a few people with diabetes develop symptoms, their blood sugar levels are not low. There are also some elderly people with diabetes who have no symptoms when they experience hypoglycemia. For patients with asymptomatic hypoglycemia, the patients themselves and their families must be more vigilant and pay more attention.
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