What are the dangers of postprandial hyperglycemia?

What are the dangers of postprandial hyperglycemia?

What are the dangers of high blood sugar after a meal?

Patients should try their best to control postprandial blood sugar at an ideal level and avoid postprandial blood sugar greater than 10mmol/L. Because postprandial blood sugar is often higher than 10mmol/L, it will aggravate the condition of diabetes and may damage important organs such as the heart, brain, blood vessels, kidneys, eyes, and nerves. If the blood sugar after a meal is only higher than 10mmol/L once in a while, you need to find out the reason for the high blood sugar. For example, if you eat too much, you should appropriately increase the amount of exercise after the meal, and at the same time, pay attention to avoid another meal. High blood sugar levels.

Through post-meal blood sugar monitoring, firstly, patients can understand their blood sugar control, and secondly, doctors can better help patients adjust their medication to delay and prevent diabetic complications.

How to monitor blood sugar after a meal?

Postprandial blood glucose monitoring is divided into two situations: one is for the patient to monitor at home using a fingertip blood glucose meter. Postprandial blood glucose is measured 2 hours after taking the first bite of the meal. Generally, it is monitored in the morning, noon and evening. Postprandial blood glucose of three main meals.

The other option is to go to the hospital for post-meal blood sugar monitoring, which is also calculated 2 hours from the first bite of food. However, the hospital measures venous blood sugar, which is blood monitoring, which is more accurate than measuring at home.

At what level should blood sugar be controlled after a meal?

Postprandial blood sugar levels are divided into three situations. 4.4~8.0mmol/L is an ideal level, indicating that blood sugar is well controlled; 8.1~10mmol/L is an average level, indicating that blood sugar is generally controlled; and greater than 10mmol/L, that means that blood sugar is well controlled. Blood sugar is not well controlled.

What should you do if you want to control your post-meal blood sugar?

To control postprandial blood sugar, two things must be done. First of all, you must keep your mouth shut, your nutrition and calorie intake must be reasonable, and you must eat small, frequent meals with balanced nutrition. In addition, you should also stretch your legs and perform moderate physical exercises according to your physical condition.

Does diet have a big impact on postprandial blood sugar?

Some diabetic patients do not control their diet and eat too much, which can easily cause postprandial hyperglycemia, accelerate the development of chronic complications of diabetes, and increase the probability of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Some diabetic patients eat too little, which can easily lead to postprandial hypoglycemia, hypoglycemic coma, and the possibility of inducing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Therefore, diet has a great impact on postprandial blood sugar. Eating more or less is not good. It is very important for diabetic patients to manage their own diet well to delay the progression of chronic complications of diabetes and reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

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