Used it to save many families with diabetes

Used it to save many families with diabetes

Chairman Mao once said during his lifetime that "external factors are conditions, internal factors are the basis, and external factors work through internal factors." Chairman Mao's famous saying has important guiding significance for our prevention and treatment of diseases.

For diabetic patients to fight the disease, stabilizing their thoughts and emotions and mobilizing their own potential are key. If they lose the confidence and courage to defeat the disease, no matter how good the doctor or the best medicine is, it will be useless.

Therefore, when treating a disease, we must first treat the "heart". Treating a disease is like fighting a war, the brave one wins. I have a deep understanding of this.

I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1975, and it has been 44 years now. There are many diabetics around me who have regained their lives through overcoming their own hearts.

After Ms. Luo took "Wenxin Pill"

Negative emotions such as tension, depression, fear, and anxiety will inhibit the secretion of insulin, accelerate the release of glucagon, and cause blood sugar to rise. Increasing the dosage of hypoglycemic drugs will not help. Only by stabilizing thoughts and emotions can the effect be achieved.

Ms. Luo has been suffering from diabetes for 6 years. She has a family of 5, none of whom have a job. Her husband is paralyzed in bed, and the family is crowded into a wooden house of more than 50 square meters. Life is very difficult.

Ms. Luo was worried about this and had been frowning all year round. She went to the hospital for a check-up and found that her fasting blood sugar was as high as 23.0mmol/L and her urine ketones were 2 plus. Her diabetes was complicated by tuberculosis. She was hospitalized in a branch hospital in the county for insulin treatment, which cost more than 180 yuan in medical expenses every day. After treatment, For more than 20 days, her blood sugar remained high and her condition did not improve. Ms. Luo had thoughts of committing suicide.

Accompanied by her relatives, I rushed to Luo's house. After understanding the above situation, I wanted to cure her disease and I had to cure her "heart" first. If her ideological burden is not relieved, no matter how good the medical conditions are, it will be in vain.

So I told her my experience of overcoming tuberculosis in detail, inspiring her confidence and courage to overcome the disease, and preached to her that "as long as you keep the green mountains, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood", "health is wealth", " If you have health, you have everything, if you don't have health, you will lose everything." This dissuaded her from the thought of committing suicide.

According to her family's financial conditions, in order to save medical expenses, I suggested that she take her medicine home to inject insulin, take anti-tuberculosis drugs, eat a high-protein and low-sugar diet, and walk and exercise in her orangery in the morning and evening. She was very happy after hearing this and was very grateful. She went to the hospital to check out and was discharged the next day, and she was treated at home according to the plan I formulated.

A month later I went to her home for a return visit and found that she was completely different. Blood sugar is normal, ketone bodies are eliminated, tuberculosis is improved, and the mental outlook is completely new.

Her psychological hurdle has passed.

Ms. Zhang regained her life through learning

Ms. Zhang has suffered from diabetes for more than 20 years, and is complicated by various heart, kidney, nerve and other diseases. She has to be admitted to the hospital three or four times a year and spend a lot of medical expenses. In 2010, the hospital issued a "critical illness notice" to her family members. Her relatives prepared "future affairs" for her.

In the second half of 2010, accompanied by her husband, she came to Huaihua Diabetes Prevention and Treatment Association with the attitude of giving it a try. I warmly received her, made tea and water for her, distributed study materials and medical books written by me, and told her My experience in fighting diabetes for more than 30 years.

She listened with great interest. From then on, she often came to listen to my lectures, went to the office to ask me for advice, and read my books carefully. After six months of treatment, her health improved greatly and she was away from the hospital. Neighbors said she was a completely different person.

In the past, I had to sit down and rest after walking only 10 steps. Now I can easily walk 2 kilometers between my home and the vegetable market, and I usually play on the swings with my children on the playground.

There are many examples of effective treatments for "heart diseases" without spending money. Diabetic patients must first cure their "heart diseases" before they can defeat diabetes.

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