They are all diabetics who are sick at the same time, why are they so different?

They are all diabetics who are sick at the same time, why are they so different?

You said that you began to doubt your life, whether you have a kind of "fake" diabetes. Why do others have good blood sugar control and live a colorful life, but your blood sugar fluctuates greatly, and you are always worried about complications?

So before you doubt your life, ask yourself, do you understand diabetes? Have you changed your bad living habits? Have you controlled your diet and exercise regularly? Have you taken the medicine on time and in the right amount? If you choose different paths, you will definitely have different endings. Even for people with diabetes who are sick at the same time and have different management levels, the endings will be very different.

Let’s take a look at the very different lives of these two sugar lovers

After 20 years of illness, the younger I live, the younger I feel

Lao Zhang is 60 years old and has had diabetes for 20 years. He was shocked when he was first diagnosed, but soon calmed down and consulted the doctor carefully.

The doctor told him that he has type 2 diabetes. The pancreatic islet function is pretty good at present, but he should pay attention to his thoughts, live as regularly as possible, and control the amount of staple food appropriately. He can eat more vegetables, but they should have less oil, less salt, and slightly lower sugar content. You can eat fruits, but you have to control the amount every time you eat them. If you really want to eat more, you can balance it by reducing the amount of staple food.

In addition, the doctor suggested that he should do some aerobic exercise at a fixed time every day according to his own condition, and put some sugar in his pocket when going out. If he has palpitation, shaking hands, sweating, etc., it may be hypoglycemia, and he should take sugar in his mouth in time. piece.

It can be treated with simple oral medications at the beginning, but as time goes by, the pancreatic islet function may gradually fail, and additional medications or even insulin may be used in the future. In addition, one day per week should be set aside for comprehensive blood sugar monitoring. If blood sugar fluctuates significantly, you should first find out the cause, and then see a doctor to decide whether the treatment plan needs to be adjusted.

A comprehensive assessment of the chronic complications of diabetes should be done every year. If you have high blood pressure, high blood lipids, high uric acid, etc., they should be treated promptly. Failure to control any of these factors will aggravate the damage to the body, because these factors are like the four legs of a chair. , even if one of the legs is broken, the chair cannot stand.

Lao Zhang kept these problems in mind, and his life became more regular and healthier than before, and he always maintained a "good mentality and posture". Although the treatment medication changed from a simple one oral medicine to two oral medicines, Then he took two oral medications and one injection of insulin, but his blood sugar has been under perfect control without any complications. He is happy every day and is called an "old boy" by diabetics.

I have been ill for 20 years, and the longer I live, the worse it gets.

Another 60-year-old man, Lao Li, who has suffered from diabetes for 20 years, has a different look. Since he was diagnosed with diabetes, he has never taken the disease seriously. He still eats and drinks excessively. His belly is getting bigger every year, his physical strength is getting worse every year, and his blood pressure and blood lipids are getting higher every year.

Now my vision has become blurry. I have had two stents on my heart. I have no feeling in my hands and feet. I walk deep and shallow, and because I am not sensitive to temperature, I often get burned when I wash my feet. My legs are rotten and cannot be cured for more than half a year.

Now, he takes 4 injections of insulin every day, and also takes a lot of anticoagulant, blood pressure lowering, lipid lowering, myocardial protection, circulation improvement, and nerve nutrition drugs, which greatly reduces his quality of life. It was recently discovered that my kidney function is close to failure and I am about to undergo dialysis.

Of course there is this ending

Some people with diabetes are overly anxious after getting sick. They feel that they can't eat anything after getting diabetes and that they will suffer many complications in the future. They are pessimistic and despairing. They beat themselves down mentally, which is also very detrimental to controlling the disease.

Which ending would you choose?

Therefore, diabetes is neither a "scourge" nor an "insignificant problem." The majority of diabetes lovers should despise it strategically and pay attention to it tactically. As long as they live a regular life, strengthen monitoring, regular evaluation, and timely adjustments, they will be able to It can control blood sugar in the palm of your hand and avoid "horrible" complications.

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