These 10 sugar control misunderstandings

These 10 sugar control misunderstandings

The less staple food you eat, the better.” “The home remedy for the radical cure of diabetes is a cure-all.” “Although my blood sugar is high, I don’t feel uncomfortable, so I don’t need to manage it for the time being.” There are many rumors in the market, and people with diabetes may seek medical treatment because of “urgent illness.” "The psychological credulity of rumors has always led to wrong treatment, which is very detrimental to disease control. Today Nono will tell you about 10 common mistakes in diabetes treatment to see if you have fallen into the trap!
Mistake 1: Not eating staple food in order to control your diet
Some patients believe that dietary treatment for diabetes is to control the increase in blood sugar by controlling the intake of staple foods. The fewer meals they eat, the better the control of blood sugar. They only control the intake of staple foods for three meals a day, or even every meal all year round. Only eat half a liang to 1 liang of staple food.
In the treatment of diabetes, you need to keep your mouth shut. However, dietary control is definitely not about asking everyone to eat less or skip staple foods. It is about appropriately limiting the total energy of food while maintaining nutritional balance on the premise of ensuring basic physiological activities. If you don’t eat staple food or eat too little, there may be two results:
First, due to insufficient intake of staple food, the body's total calories cannot meet the body's metabolic needs, resulting in excessive decomposition of protein and fat in the body, leading to body weight loss, malnutrition, and even starvation ketosis.
Second, because they think they have controlled their food intake, they relax their vigilance on non-staple food, causing the total daily calories to far exceed the control range. In addition, excessive fat intake can easily cause hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, ultimately leading to dietary Control failed.
Mistake 2: Believing that diabetes can be cured
Some people with diabetes are eager to cure the disease and believe in advertisements, believing that "Chinese medicine has no side effects" and "Chinese medicine can cure diabetes". They believe in the so-called "secret recipes" and "home remedies" and abandon the original formal treatment plan. As a result, not only are their blood sugar control unsatisfactory, but their blood sugar control is also unsatisfactory. Brings many toxic side effects. There is no lifelong cure for diabetes, but as long as you keep your blood sugar stable and have no complications, you can still have a healthy body!
Some Chinese medicines do have a certain effect in improving diabetes, but they cannot cure it.
Mistake 3: Refusing medication
People with diabetes who have just been diagnosed often find it difficult to accept that they have the disease. Sometimes there is a sense of luck, or there is some fear of hypoglycemic drugs, and they hope to control blood sugar simply through diet and exercise, rather than accepting drugs to lower blood sugar.
In fact, at any stage of diabetes, oral hypoglycemic drugs or insulin can be used for intensive hypoglycemic treatment, which will help delay the development of complications. Nono reminds everyone to remember to take medications on time~.
Mistake 4: Taking medicine based on feeling and ignoring condition monitoring
If you only take medicine according to your feelings and do not monitor blood sugar, you will not be able to detect poor blood sugar control in time and adjust the dosage of medicine in time. This may cause blood sugar fluctuations, bring more risks of complications, and aggravate the condition.
Different people with diabetes monitor their blood sugar at different frequencies:
1. Insulin treatment: When blood sugar does not reach the target or when hypoglycemic treatment has just started, the frequency of monitoring blood sugar should be ≥ 5 times a day, and for patients who have reached the target, the frequency of monitoring blood sugar should be 2 to 4 times a day.
2. Non-insulin treatment: When blood sugar does not reach the target, blood sugar needs to be monitored 3 days a week, 5 to 7 times a day. After the blood sugar reaches the target, blood sugar needs to be monitored 3 days a week, 2 times a day.
Mistake 5: Eager to lower blood sugar and frequently change dressings
The effect of hypoglycemic drugs will gradually appear as the time of taking them is extended. Many people with diabetes, in order to lower their blood sugar quickly, increase the dosage without authorization within a few days of taking the medicine, or even add other anti-diabetic drugs.
You must know that this is very dangerous. It is easy to overcorrect, cause hypoglycemia, and even cause hypoglycemia coma. You know, some hypoglycemic drugs will only achieve the maximum hypoglycemic effect after taking them for half a month to a month.
Mistake 6: Thinking that lower blood sugar is better
After interviews with many people with diabetes, we found that many people only focus on high blood sugar, but ignore the dangers of hypoglycemia, thinking that the lower the blood sugar, the better. In fact, hypoglycemia is more harmful than hyperglycemia, especially for elderly patients with diabetes.
People with diabetes have hypoglycemia when their blood sugar is lower than 3.9 mmol/L. People with diabetes who often suffer from hypoglycemia will have their brain and heart affected, and may even induce myocardial infarction and stroke.
Therefore, blood sugar control is not as low as possible. The control goal should be determined by the doctor. The doctor will choose an appropriate blood sugar control range based on age, condition, complications, etc.
Mistake 7: Injecting insulin without taking or replacing the needle
Some people with diabetes do not take off the needle after each injection of insulin. In fact, this creates a channel between the refill and the outside world, causing bacteria in the air and on the needle tip to enter the refill through the needle, increasing the risk of local infection during the injection. Chance.
In addition, if the needle is not removed, air will enter the pen core, causing inaccurate metering of the insulin pen and causing blood sugar fluctuations when used again.
Mistake 8: Improper storage of insulin
Unopened insulin refills should be stored in the cold room of the refrigerator (approximately 2℃~8℃). But do not put it in the freezer, otherwise the frozen insulin will have particles or crystals after it is thawed and cannot be used again.
Mistake 9: Stopping medication without authorization
Currently, there is no cure for diabetes. Generally speaking, after a period of treatment, the clinical symptoms of diabetes will disappear and blood sugar will return to normal. This does not mean that diabetes has been cured.
Diabetes patients should continue to take medication to maintain their condition, and must not relax in diet control and exercise. Remember to consult a doctor about drug treatment, and do not "make arbitrary decisions" ~
Mistake 10. Break the sustained-release tablets or chew them into pieces.
Some sustained-release tablets, such as gliclazide sustained-release tablets, glipizide sustained-release tablets, etc., are larger in size. When taking these medicines, many people with diabetes often break or chew the pills to make them easier to swallow. Nono understands the distress of friends with relatively small esophagus~ But in fact, this approach is wrong.
The active ingredients of sustained-release tablets are wrapped in a special film. The content of active ingredients is 2 to 3 times higher than that of ordinary tablets. The active ingredients can be slowly released after being eaten. Therefore, many extended-release tablets only need to be taken once a day. Breaking open the medicine to release and absorb it all at once is equivalent to the dosage being high all of a sudden, and then there is no more medicine. The high and low are unstable, and the effect will definitely be bad.
Have you ever experienced the above misunderstandings? If so, we can all get rid of them today. If not, congratulations on becoming a sugar control expert~ Do you have any rumors related to the treatment of diabetes? Welcome Leave a message so that more sugar lovers can benefit together~!
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