The dual roles of doctors and patients, innovative education accompanies the future

The dual roles of doctors and patients, innovative education accompanies the future

I am a nurse in the cardiovascular medicine department of a tertiary hospital in Beijing.

When talking about nurses, several keywords will immediately come to many people's minds: angel, love, care, busyness and shift work. Of course, it cannot be denied that there are also such keywords: stabbing, cruel, painful...

Haha, yes, as a senior nurse who has worked for more than ten years, the above keywords more or less represent our daily busy medical work. Day after day, strict implementation of doctor's orders, improvement of nursing level, and continuous examinations are almost accompanied by the whole process of career. In this article, I would like to share a piece of my life experience.

Diabetes dealt a heavy blow to my life

Time goes back to the fourth year when I started working. As a person who already has a certain amount of work experience and is skilled in nursing skills, and just like the scene in the movie, I met the person I love in nursing work, held hands sweetly, and was envisioning to provide care for her. When I added a lovely baby to my happy love nest, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, which dealt a heavy blow to my longing for early pregnancy and shattered all my dreams. The fasting blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin were so high that the obstetrician and gynecologist was surprised. He immediately asked me to measure random blood sugar. I clearly remember that the blood glucose meter showed a Hi value that could not measure a specific value. Subsequently, a series of related tests such as glycated hemoglobin, etc., The seriously excessive test results forced me to change my identity as a patient, and the first medical order I carried out was to terminate the early pregnancy. Looking back on my feelings at that time, I can still feel the unbearable pain in my heart: despair and fear, sadness and unwillingness, and more importantly, helplessness that I have never felt before.

The initial hardship and hesitation even made me feel negative about myself. I am a nurse, but why is it so difficult to control my blood sugar? Among the patients in the ward under my jurisdiction, there were also elderly diabetic patients. It is not difficult to implement nursing diagnosis and treatment such as medication and three meals a day, but why is it that for a diabetic patient, his blood sugar fluctuates so much, and his diet control is even more confusing... I cried loudly during the suffering, and my family became anxious and uneasy. I often I couldn't sleep all night, and when my whole family and I were in great pain, the endocrinologist I was seeing recommended that I add a diabetes friend on WeChat. After several phone calls, I added a diabetes friend. WeChat group, this is really like the sun rising again. In this WeChat group, I began to re-learn the most basic knowledge related to type 1 diabetes. I also subscribed to relatively professional sugar control education books and periodicals, referred to nursing notes, and recorded myself. blood sugar and some related life information.

One summer day, I attended a gathering of sugar babies with uneasiness. When I saw clearly, the sugar friends and parents of sugar babies that I had often communicated with in the WeChat group were chatting smoothly with each other. The real examples of cultivating knowledge about sugar control and living with sugar made me feel at ease. Seeing people with diabetes of different ages being able to control their own study and life made me sincerely admired.

I began to practice a healthy dietary structure and increase daily physical exercise. Although everything was difficult at the beginning, whenever I encountered difficulties and was about to get discouraged, I would consult the doctor for follow-up consultation and then report to the diabetes group and communicate with my friends. Behaviors can quickly be turned into habits, and difficult things can become motivation.

Diabetes spices up work

I have been suffering from type 1 diabetes for 9 years and have been working in the Department of Cardiology for 13 years. It is a choice and a passion. Because I have type 1 diabetes, I have become a "little expert" on diabetes in the department. I assist the leaders in organizing diabetes treatment in the department. Related learning, in the patient education work, I even teach by myself, talking to patients and their families about why they should actively control blood sugar, the impact of post-meal exercise on blood sugar, what it feels like and the dangers of hypoglycemia... Patients often report that , because my health education incorporates real feelings, it sounds particularly friendly and easy to understand. I will also teach nursing knowledge in simple language to diabetic patients, make my own check-in records and complication warning pictures, and promote formal peer-to-peer mutual aid methods and family member supervision and education in online and offline activities organized by WeChat groups for diabetic patients. , will also help you choose a way to manage yourself that suits you. My famous saying: When you see the effect, start it immediately and stick to it from now on.

"Overtaking on the bend" multi-integrated formal education helped me welcome the arrival of new life

I often describe my way of learning diabetes self-management as "overtaking others around the corner". It is the continuous and continuous professional medical care and formal scientific peer education for diabetes patients that allows me to start learning from the right starting point and see the benefits through the shortest path. Grow into a sugar-loving volunteer in the best possible way. After my blood sugar was under good control, I gave birth to a new life again under the strict requirements of the specialist and the support and supervision of my peers. A healthy and beautiful daughter was born smoothly. The new life made me cherish life more, give her better company, and grow up with the child. The excellent mother in the eyes of the child strengthened my confidence, helping people with diabetes and volunteering to achieve a better self. .

Sharing my own growth story, I sincerely hope that all diabetes friends can work together to practice the scientific blood sugar control model, enjoy a life of dancing with diabetes, and meet a better version of themselves.

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