Semaglutide weight loss record

Semaglutide weight loss record

I am a 26-year-old male with a current height of 179cm and a weight of 95.5kg. I recorded my data after semaglutide + healthy diet for your reference only.

I have been a little fat guy weighing over 80kg since college. At that time, I thought I was not too short and it would be enough to reduce it to around 70. However, after 4 years of weight loss, when I graduated, my weight turned out to be 95.5. The most difficult thing for me to lose weight is to control it. I really like eating. I eat hot pot, barbecue and barbecue every day. Plus, I can cook in the future. . (During this period, I also tried white kidney beans, orlistat, etc., but they were all defeated by my appetite.) Let me share with you my favorite food.

Stuffed Prawns in Tomato Oil

Spicy Lamb Bones

Lemon Shredded Chicken

Braised chicken and rice

Garlic enoki mushrooms and baby cabbage

Shredded pork with green pepper

Hot and sour green pepper and potato shreds

Sautéed Spinach with Garlic

Cumin Lamb

Air Fryer Orleans Chicken Wing Tips

Spicy chicken jerky snacks
This year, friends around me got married one after another. When I saw their handsome wedding photos, they looked so handsome in their little suits, and I felt inspired to make up my mind to lose weight. Because I am also a practitioner in the biomedical industry, and my elders in my family also suffer from type 2 diabetes, I gradually learned about the injection of semaglutide, and after waiting for half a year, I decided to start using it.

When I write this article, it is the third day after my first injection. There is no word yet on whether it will have any effect. I will faithfully record my daily diet and weight data in the following article.

07/17 I wasted 0.25mg of reagent when I exhausted the first injection because I didn’t read the instructions carefully. Emmm, I was heartbroken. When giving the injection, you must pay attention to staying in the body for 6 seconds before pulling out the needle. Otherwise, a lot of liquid will overflow from the needle hole and the dose will feel a bit insufficient. A little wasteful.

07/17 Diet for the first day: One boiled egg 80 calories, 225ml pure milk one bag 105 calories, 80g ready-to-eat corn kernels one bag 80 calories, breakfast total 265 calories Lunch: One piece of jujube cake 100g 318 calories, ready to eat 80g bag of corn, 80 calories, total 398 calories Dinner: 2 protein bars, 200 calories

Total caloric intake for the day: 863 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolic value 1929 kcal, weight 189.8 kilograms, BMI: 29.6, body fat 30.3%, water 49.7%, muscle 125.5 kilograms, bone weight 6.7 kilograms

The caloric gap is: 1929-863=1066 kcal. After the injection, I feel that my stomach is really bloated and I don’t feel hungry, but I feel like I want to eat. I don’t know if it’s because I am too greedy or because of something else.

07/18 Diet for the second day: 80 calories from eggs, 100 calories from skim milk, 80 calories from corn kernels, 100 calories from protein bars, a total of 360 calories. Lunch: 80 calories from corn kernels, 80 calories from eggs, and egg whites Bar 100 calories, cucumber 30 calories, total 290 calories Dinner: 2 chicken breast strips 100 calories, a few enoki mushrooms, 1 piece of brown bread 100 calories black pepper chicken breast ham 1 slice 36 calories, total: 236 Big card

Total caloric intake for the day: 886 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolic value 1936 kcal, weight 190.7 kilograms, BMI: 29.8, body fat 30.5%, water 49.5%, muscle 125.6 kilograms, bone weight 6.7 kilograms

The caloric gap is: 1936-886=1050 kcal

07/19 Diet on the third day: Today’s breakfast: 60g soba noodles 220 calories, eggs 80 calories, skimmed milk 100 calories, total: 400 calories Lunch: cucumber 30 calories, eggs 80 calories, 1 piece of brown bread 100 Calories, black pepper chicken breast ham slices 72 calories 2 slices, chicken strips 20g 20 calories sugar 20 calories total 322 calories Dinner: half a tofu skin chicken roll 50 calories total 772 calories

Total caloric intake for the day: 772 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolism 1880 kcal, weight 183.1 kilograms, BMI: 28.9, body fat 29.7%, water 50.1%, muscle 122 kilograms, bone weight 6.5 kilograms (the rapid weight loss may be due to excretion, the last Saturday and Sunday last After eating hot pot emmmmm, I feel that my muscle and bone weight are not accurate. I will take another test tonight and update the data.)

The caloric gap is: 1880-772=1108 kcal

07/20 Diet for the fourth day: Today’s breakfast: 60g soba noodles 220 calories, skim milk 100 calories, total: 320 calories Lunch: 1 piece of whole wheat brown bread 100 calories, cucumber 30 calories, black pepper chicken breast 2 slices of ham, 72 calories, 50 grams of tofu skin rolls, 100 calories. Total: 302 calories. Dinner to be determined:

Total caloric intake for the day: 722 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolism 1896 kcal, weight 185.2 kilograms, BMI: 29.2, body fat 30.4%, water content 49.6%, muscle 122.3 kilograms, bone weight 6.6 kilograms (I feel that the fluctuation in weight may be related to drinking water and excretion. The overall fluctuation is still biased. Since I have lost weight, I will pay more attention to the weight change value at the same time every week compared with the same period last week)

The caloric gap is: 1896-622-100=1174 kcal

07/21 Diet for the fifth day: Today’s breakfast: 60g soba noodles 220 calories, skim milk 100 calories, eggs 80 calories, a total of 400 calories Lunch: 100g three-color brown rice 150 calories, eggs 80 calories, corn kernels 80 calories, protein bar 100 calories, cucumber 30 calories, dinner: TBD

Total caloric intake for the day: 840 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolism 1889 kcal, weight 184.3 kilograms, BMI: 29.1, body fat 30.0%, water 49.9%, muscle 122.3 kilograms, bone weight 6.6 kilograms

The caloric gap is: 1889-840=1059 kcal

07/22 Diet for the sixth day: Today’s breakfast: 100 calories of konjac noodles, 100 calories of skim milk Lunch: None Dinner: 2 protein bars, 2 pieces of ribs, about 300 calories

Total caloric intake for the day: 500 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolism 1883 kcal, weight 183.5 kilograms, BMI: 29.0, body fat 30.0%, water 49.9%, muscle 121.8 kilograms, bone weight 6.5 kilograms

The caloric gap is: 1883-500=1383 kcal

07/23 Diet for the seventh day: Breakfast: 1 piece of whole wheat brown bread 100 calories, eggs 80 calories, 2 slices of black pepper chicken breast ham 72 calories, skim milk 100 calories, total: 352 calories, lunch: Three-color brown rice 100g 153 calories, one tomato 50 calories, dinner: 300 calories

Total caloric intake for the day: 855 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolism 1889 kcal, weight 184.3 kilograms, BMI: 29.1, body fat 30.2%, water 49.8%, muscle 122.0 kilograms, bone weight 6.5 kilograms

The caloric gap is: 1889-555-300=1034 kcal

It is expected that I will not eat anything again in the evening, and I will prepare to take the second injection in advance in the evening. The time will be controlled every Sunday. The dose this week will still be 0.25 mg. Subsequent records will simplify the content and retain keywords.

07/24 After the second shot

07/24 Diet on the eighth day: Breakfast: 150 calories of three-color brown rice, 100 calories of skim milk, 80 calories of eggs, 80 calories of corn kernels, a total of 410 calories, 100 calories of protein bar for lunch, 100 calories of tofu skin rolls Calories, eggs 80 calories, cucumber 30 calories, total 310 calories, dinner is very sinful: half portion of cold skin: 200 calories

Total caloric intake for the day: 910 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolism 1879 kcal, weight: 182.9 pounds

The caloric gap is: 1879-910=969 kcal

07/25 Diet on the ninth day: Breakfast: three-color brown rice 150 calories, skim milk 100 calories, eggs 80 calories, half portion of tofu skin meat roll: 50 calories, total 380 calories, lunch: whole wheat brown bread 1 piece is 100 calories, eggs are 80 calories, black pepper chicken breast and ham slices are 72 calories, 2 slices, protein bar is 100 calories, tomatoes are 80 calories, a total of 432 calories,

Total caloric intake for the day: 812 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolism: 1876 kcal, weight: 182.5 pounds

The caloric gap is: 1876-812=1064 kcal

07/26 Diet on the tenth day: Breakfast: 50 kcal of konjac meal replacement noodles, 100 kcal of skimmed milk, 80 kcal of eggs, 100 kcal of protein bar, 30g of protein powder 50 kcal, a total of 380 kcal, lunch: three-color brown rice Rice 150 calories, protein bar 100 calories, cucumber 30 calories, corn kernels 80 calories, total 360 calories

Total caloric intake for the day: 740 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolism: 1872 kcal, weight: 182.0 catties

The caloric gap is: 1872-740=1132 kcal

Dividing line: It seems that we have entered a plateau, or is the weight loss mainly due to water in the first week? Currently, the average daily water consumption is 2.5L. If the daily changes are small in the future, recording intervals and simplified recording content will be considered. The above is the diet, body fat, weight, metabolism and other data of the first 10 days.

07/27 Diet on Day 11: Breakfast: 60g soba noodles 220 kcal, skim milk 100 kcal, tomatoes 40 kcal, protein powder 30g 50 kcal, total 420 kcal, lunch: three-color brown rice 150 kcal, eggs 80 calories, cucumber 30 calories, protein bar 100 calories, total 360 calories

Total caloric intake for the day: 780 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolism: 1864 kcal, weight: 180.9 pounds

The caloric gap is: 1864-780=1084 kcal

It is expected that when the plateau is reached for the first time (no change in morning fasting weight for 3-5 consecutive days or weight is increased from the previous day), the data template will be updated to simply record daily calories, weight, metabolism, and change recipes to increase protein. Intake of dietary fiber, etc., increase fasting aerobic exercise early to increase basal metabolism, etc.

The current initial weight is 189.8 catties and the current weight is 180.9 catties. Total weight loss in 11 days: 8.9 catties

07/28 Day 12: Breakfast: buckwheat cake, milk, protein powder, eggs, totaling about 300 calories Lunch: protein bar, tofu skin rolls, cucumber, totaling about: 230 calories

Total caloric intake for the day: 530 calories

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolism: 1864 kcal, weight 180.9 pounds (it seems to have entered a plateau period and the scale has not been seen)

The caloric gap is: 1864-530=1334 kcal

It is expected to plan an indulgent meal to add some fat and protein at noon tomorrow, and tentatively plan to barbecue. Keep carbs low during indulgent meals.

07/29 Day 13 Breakfast: None Lunch: Indulgent lamb chop Dinner: 200g protein

Calorie intake for the day: No calculation yet

The data obtained through the body fat scale are: basal metabolism: 1854 kcal, weight: 179.6 pounds

After the indulgent meal that night, the weight was: 183.9 pounds

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