Semaglutide weight loss diary

Semaglutide weight loss diary

Updated on January 31, 2023

Brothers and sisters, I'm back with another update. I used Simei for two months before, but I didn’t insist on using it all the time. At the end of last year, we experienced a wave of wearing masks at home and eating and drinking heavily during the Chinese New Year. My weight has increased back to 178! OMG. Therefore, from now on, we will re-enable Simei to cooperate with exercise to lose weight. The starting point is 178, the first-stage goal is to strive to reach 165 in one month. Do you think I can do it?

8.13 update. I weighed 168.0 at 8:30 this morning. It can be said to be a milestone! From 6.26 to present. In a month and a half, I lost 10 pounds. On the 35th day, I injected Simei in 5 segments, and then I stopped taking the drug until now. I don’t plan to take any more medicine later. Keep your mouth shut and train your muscles to continue losing weight. The next target is 160. Below is a photo of 10 pounds of meat for everyone to share.

————-I am the dividing line————————

1. Basic information introduction

I am a male, 180cm tall, and weighed 178.0kg before taking the medicine. I am generally obese and have moderate fatty liver disease in physical examinations all year round. The first problem is that my belly is particularly large. I may not be that fat overall, but it is really ugly with a big belly. I have wanted to lose weight for a long time. The second problem is snoring. Congenital oral respiratory tract stenosis, all males in the family snore. I went to see a doctor, and the doctor recommended ventilator treatment. Recently, I felt that even when I was awake, I could hold my breath when I exhaled. I felt the severity of my symptoms. The doctor then suggested trying to lose weight. If the weight loss still didn't work, then consider surgery. When the doctor suggested losing weight, he also mentioned medication to lose weight. At that time, my eyes lit up. Can medicine (lying down) or food (wearing) also help lose weight? Then give it a try next!

2. Purchase and use of drugs and equipment

I went to a friendly hospital in Beijing for a review of my sleep disordered breathing (snoring). The doctor suggested taking appropriate medication to lose weight, so at my strong request, he told me the name of semaglutide.

This drug was originally used to treat diabetes. I am not expert in the mechanism of the drug, so I will not mislead everyone online. Non-diabetics need to pay for this medicine at their own expense and will not be reimbursed by medical insurance. In addition, this medicine is not widely available at present, and only a few hospitals in Beijing, such as Zhenzhen and Youhao, can prescribe it. I saw that they are also sold online, but they seem to be more expensive than those prescribed in hospitals.

I opened 4 boxes, 1 box of 1.5mg, 478.8 yuan. It needs to be refrigerated at 2-8 degrees Celsius. It is valid for 6 weeks after starting to use it. I basically keep it in the refrigerator after use. The drug is a syringe barrel, and self-injection requires a minimally invasive needle and an alcohol swab. I went to the pharmacy opposite the hospital and directly told me that I wanted to buy needles equipped with semaglutide. The little guy understood and would help you choose the needle according to your body shape. Don’t be afraid. Minimally invasive needles are just like those used for injecting insulin. It's like a small needle, and there's almost no effect if it's pierced in the belly. After returning home, wipe the area 4 fingers wide on the side of the navel with alcohol for disinfection, tighten the scale on the syringe, and then prick and press it.

3. Weight loss diary

On June 25, 2022, at noon, I took 0.25mg for the first time, and my weight was 178.0 catties.

6.26, 10 o'clock in the morning, the first day after taking the medicine, the weight was 177.0. Feelings within 1 day: Appetite was suppressed, such as: I didn't feel hungry when it was time to eat; I had barbecue last night, and I only tasted delicious food. But I didn’t feel the happiness of having my appetite satisfied; my wife was eating bread, peaches and other snacks next to me, and I was unmoved. Keep watching next.

On June 27, I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning. On the second day after taking the medicine, my weight was 176.6. Hardly any hunger pangs, just keep hanging on and watching.

On June 28, I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning. On the third day after taking the medicine, my weight was 176.6. Yesterday, a buddy came over at noon and insisted on having a big meal together. Since I owed him a meal before, I had to treat him. I had a meal at Wild Vegetable Village, only beef and seafood, without sesame sauce. The overall feeling is that there is no feeling of fullness at all, it is just a quick mouthful, and the happiness of food is greatly reduced. Maybe it was because of this big meal that I didn't lose weight today. Progress has been delayed.

On June 29, I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning. On the 4th day after taking the medicine, my weight was 175.6. Yesterday, I only ate one Orleans chicken drumstick steak and half a bowl of rice at noon. At 5pm, I unintentionally started sweating a lot. I realized that I might be suffering from hypoglycemia, but I didn't feel hungry or empty, so I quickly ate some dried fruits. Nothing else.

6.30, got up early at 6:50, on the 5th day after taking the medicine, the weight was 174.5. Yesterday, I could clearly feel that the effect of the medicine was weakening and my appetite was recovering, but I still didn't feel hungry even if I didn't eat. I didn't eat last night and had low blood sugar again. I got a little excited and almost quarreled with my colleagues.

7.1, got up at 9:30 in the morning, and on the 6th day after taking the medicine, the weight was 174.6. Yesterday, I felt that the effect of the medicine was decreasing, and my appetite and hunger gradually recovered. I happened to go to the hospital for eye surgery in the morning, so I ate a bit too much overall, and it was very fatty: egg-filled pancakes with soy milk for breakfast, and 3 KFC finger-flavored chicken from noon to afternoon. , a bowl of instant noodles at night with 1 egg and 2 peaches as a snack. Overall, I still ate a bit too much, and I didn't do much exercise after the surgery, so my weight didn't drop that day. It can be regarded as a counterexample.

7.2. On the 7th day after taking the medicine, the scale ran out of batteries and the weight was not measured. Yesterday, my appetite was almost completely restored. I was quite moderate in the morning and noon. I had a big meal in the evening - Peking duck... The initial plan is to eat a big meal on the seventh day of the week when I regain my appetite, hehe. I'm getting my second shot today.

7.3. On the 8th day after taking the medicine, in the second week, I woke up at 12 o'clock in the morning and weighed 173.8. I took my second injection of 0.25mg yesterday. After a week, I have lost a total of 4.2 pounds in weight, which can be said to be quite effective, but it is also because my previous increase to 178 was the result of overeating in a short period of time, and I will probably not be able to lose weight later. Aiming for the second week goal: get down to 170. Towards the end of the first week, my appetite returned and I ate two big meals, otherwise I should be able to gain more. Come on!

7.4, on the 9th day after taking the medicine, W2D02, I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning and weighed 173.5. I ate a bit too much on Sunday, but I didn’t expect it to drop. The second injection maintained the lowest dose of 0.25g. Although I still won’t feel hungry if I don’t eat at meal time, I obviously feel that my appetite is stronger than the previous week and I have the urge to eat. After the happy weekend, it’s time to start high-intensity dieting again. Persistence✊

7.5, on the 10th day after taking the medicine, W2D03, I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 173.1. Yesterday, Monday, the third day of the second week, I felt obvious hunger and appetite. I ate a normal amount of dinner at noon and evening. I felt that the effect of the medicine was almost gone. Dieting mainly depends on my own will.

7.6, the 11th day after taking the medicine, W2D04, I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 172.8. I didn't eat breakfast yesterday. I had a normal diet of two meat and one staple food at noon, and one meat and one staple food for dinner. I felt a little hungry at night and ate half a bag of rice crackers and two peach. The space that can be optimized is the snack session at night, which needs to be controlled subjectively. The weight loss has slowed down significantly this week.

7.7, the 12th day after taking the medicine, W2D05, I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 172.4. Yesterday's meal was basically normal, no breakfast, 2 meat dishes and 1 half bowl of rice for lunch, 2 bites of bread, 2 dinner-style poached eggs + 1 box of lychees.

7.8, the 13th day after taking the medicine, W2D06, I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning, and my weight was 172.6. Yesterday, my meals returned to "normal", with no breakfast, 2 meat dishes and 1 rice for lunch, and 5 bites of bread + 2 boiled eggs + 1 fried steak + 1 box of 400g for dinner litchi. “Normal” eating is overeating. If you fail to control your diet by your own will, the medicine should be ineffective. Prepare a dose of 0.5g in the third week to see the effect.

7.9. On the 14th day after taking the medicine, W2D07, I got up at 9 o'clock in the morning and weighed 172.8. The progress was very slow in the second week, and in the next two days I returned to a heavy eating rhythm and my weight increased instead of losing weight. It’s time to increase the dosage and leave the weight loss task to the third week….

July 10, the 15th day after taking the medicine, W3D01, I woke up at 12 o'clock in the morning and weighed 172.5. I took the third injection yesterday and the dose was increased to 0.5mg. In fact, when the doctor recommended the medicine to me, he said that my weight should start at 0.5. In short, after taking this dose, I no longer have any appetite for food that night and today at noon. I hope it will drop significantly this week.

July 11, the 16th day after taking the medicine, W3D02, I got up early at 8 o'clock and forgot to weigh myself in a hurry. Although I already had a greasy feeling in my mouth after the third injection yesterday, I was helpless because the food my wife cooked was so delicious that I ate a lot of it. . . Hey, losing weight is hard. I can only rely on working days~~~

July 12, the 17th day after taking the medicine, W3D03, I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 174.2. The backlash intensifies! I ate a bit too much last night, two meat dishes, one porridge and one egg. I also ate a box of lychees at night. Hey, as I write today's diary, I feel anxious inside, as my willpower is not under control! greedy!

July 13, the 18th day after taking the medicine, W3D04, I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 172.4. The weight regain was finally under temporary control. Yesterday at noon and dinner, we basically had 2 dishes and 1 meal. In terms of dishes, we tried to lean towards vegetables, with less oil and less meat. At the same time, I went to the work gym last night and started doing strength training. I recovered first and did 12 sets of back muscle exercises. Muscle soreness started in bed at night. Is it said that you can lose weight just by lying down? Woo woo woo

July 14, the 19th day after taking the medicine, W3D05, I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 173.3. I have to admit today that last night, in order to celebrate my daughter-in-law’s success in skipping work in the afternoon, I took her to the Wild Vegetable Village buffet. So, no weight loss today. I did some light strength training the day before yesterday, and my upper body is still hurting two days later. Continue to strengthen your training tonight and develop a fitness habit that makes you mentally comfortable.

July 15, the 20th day after taking the medicine, W3D06, I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 174.0. Alas, a buffet will ruin three days. I did 12 sets of chest strength training yesterday, and I don’t know if I can keep on losing weight. But you have to keep writing the diary.

July 16, the 21st day after taking the medicine, W3D07, I woke up at 12 o'clock in the morning and weighed 172.8. Okay, let me show off my cards. I am just a typical person who always wants to lose weight while lying down if I have no willpower. Yesterday, my prodigal daughter-in-law skipped work again in the afternoon and had to drag me to ask for leave to accompany her to the water bath. I ate lychee, watermelon, grape and Haagen-Dazs all afternoon and all night. It was too sweet. Why. In this third week, my weight basically fluctuated around 173, and I didn’t lose weight at all...

July 17, the 22nd day after taking the medicine, W4D01, I woke up at 11 o'clock in the morning and weighed 172.8. The fourth injection was 0.5mg, and it basically didn’t drop any further in the second or third week. You can't lose weight with medication alone. You have to rely on your own will, eat less and practice more. Keep recording!

July 18, the 23rd day after taking the medicine, W4D02, I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 172.8. Is the electronic scale broken? I gain 3 pounds every weekend, but I haven’t gained much weight these days, so I’m very lucky!

July 19, the 24th day after taking the medicine, W4D03, I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 171.4. I did leg training last night, including 6 sets of squats and 3 sets of calf raises. I couldn't keep up with my physical strength and felt exhausted. I also ate a bowl of rice and half a smoked chicken in the evening. I didn't expect to lose weight this morning. If you still have the same loss of appetite as in the first week, your weight loss should be faster.

July 20, the 25th day after taking the medicine, W4D04, I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 172.6.

July 21, the 26th day after taking the medicine, W4D05, I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 171.8

July 22, the 27th day after taking the medicine, W4D06, I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 172.6.

July 23, the 28th day after taking the medicine, W4D07, I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 173.6.

July 24, the 29th day after taking the medicine, W4D08, I woke up at 11 o'clock in the morning and weighed 171.8. The fifth injection has not been given yet. If I need to take it, I should increase it to 1.0 mg. I'm a little hesitant, let me brew for a while.

July 25, the 30th day after taking the medicine, W4D09, I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 170.5. I'll get my fifth shot tonight. I slept at home for two days over the weekend, ate, ate and slept, and actually lost weight. Could it be that I drank less water?

July 26, the 31st day after taking the medicine, W4D10, I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 170.5. I haven't had any injections for 3 days, and I feel fine, with no change. Hit 1.0 tonight.

July 27, the 32nd day after taking the medicine, W5D01, I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 170.2. I made up my mind to take a 1.0mg injection last night to see the effect of this final dose. Breaking below 170!

8.4, nth day after taking the medicine. I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning and weighed 169.0. I took a dose of 1.0mg last week, but it still didn’t have the same effect of loss of appetite and hunger in the first week. Therefore, it is basically confirmed that I am very tolerant, and there will be no more injections in the future. After observing the effects of two weeks of discontinuation, this diary comes to an end.

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