Psychological problems of people with diabetes of different ages

Psychological problems of people with diabetes of different ages

People with diabetes of different ages have different psychological problems and different solutions.
Mental illness refers to the phenomenon that a person deviates from the normative track of social life in his thinking, emotion and behavior due to mental stress and interference. Among the diabetic group, many people will experience psychological burden, whether it is from the disease itself or the heavy burden the disease brings to the family's economic conditions and other aspects. In fact, diabetes is no longer what everyone once called a "senile disease". Many young people and even children have become diabetic patients. Patients of different ages may have different psychological problems.

elderly diabetic patients

Psychological problems:

Elderly patients with diabetes have been ill for a long time and have been treated for a long time, which is a great drag on their families. They are often prone to negative emotions such as anxiety, negativity, loneliness, fear, loss of sense of value, sense of aging, and behavioral degradation. The above negative emotions may cause elderly patients with diabetes to engage in negative behaviors or even give up treatment.

Elderly people with diabetes will also have other characteristics that affect their mental state, including age-related mobility impairments, such as joint pain due to gout; if medical care is not guaranteed, some elderly people do not have medical insurance, and it is difficult to see a doctor or take medicine. All have to be paid for at their own expense; if family care and attention are not enough, some lonely elderly people have no relatives in the world; if financial income is not enough, some elderly people have lost the ability to work and are under great financial pressure.


Find solutions to the psychological distress of elderly people with diabetes here. The biggest problem that elderly patients may face is the tendency to give up on themselves. At this time, you need to find a diabetes organization. In this group, everyone is a diabetic and can encourage and help each other. , in this group, you will find that you are not alone. The problems you encounter will also be encountered by others, and others will learn from their experiences about your problems.

In this kind of mutual support and help organization, you will gradually become optimistic and actively participate in the treatment of diseases. Confidence is the foundation of disease treatment. Elderly people with diabetes should choose an appropriate treatment plan based on their own circumstances (economic conditions, physical condition, etc.). For example, elderly people without medical insurance can choose lower-priced domestic drugs. Elderly people with poor legs and feet can exercise mainly with the upper body. Finally, the more lonely the elderly feel, the more they need to change their status quo, actively integrate into the crowd, cultivate interests and hobbies, and make themselves cheerful.

Children and adolescents with diabetes

Psychological problems:

Most children with diabetes are in the transitional period of physical appearance, internal organs and sexual maturity. Changes in the body can lead to increased blood sugar fluctuations, physical development, mental development and cognitive impairment.

However, children have an early age of onset, a relatively long course of disease, a relatively high incidence of microvascular complications, and face more family and social problems, such as schooling, employment, marriage, and childbirth. Child patients have immature intellectual development and cognitive problems. Comprehensive ability is relatively low and behavior control ability is poor.

In particular, adolescent children are more likely to have emotions such as rebellion, anger, inferiority, or misanthropy due to their increasingly extensive social interactions, and may even develop bad behaviors such as aggression, cruelty, and poor communication, which ultimately lead to the inability to follow medical advice and increased acute and chronic complications of diabetes. The incidence of the disease also affects the socialization process of children. Severe cases may lead to maladaptation, crime and mental illness in adulthood.


Children with diabetes should do this. Children and adolescents with diabetes must first establish positive confidence in sugar control. Diabetes will follow them throughout their lives like a shadow. The key lies in how to coexist peacefully with the disease.

Children with diabetes must also master skills related to diabetes treatment, such as learning to inject insulin and measure blood sugar by themselves; they must also develop good habits of strict self-discipline, such as eating reasonably, not eating junk food, increasing physical activity, and developing good habits. , not only beneficial to blood sugar management, but also helpful for studies and life. Parents should also do a good job in their children's blood sugar management and psychological counseling. When their children have psychological problems, they should intervene in a timely manner and seek help from psychological clinics if necessary.

Here are the answers to the questions they're about to face

(1) Can diabetics get married?

Many young diabetic patients have psychological burdens. They feel that it is difficult to find a satisfactory couple, and they are also afraid that marriage will affect their family and fertility. You don’t have to worry like this. As long as you control your blood sugar well and maintain a reasonable routine of life, work, exercise, and rest, you can prevent and delay the occurrence of complications, and enjoy a happy life like normal people.

(2) Can diabetics have children?

Diabetic patients are at greater risk during pregnancy. Poor blood sugar control during pregnancy can lead to a series of maternal and fetal complications, such as pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, polyhydramnios, increased infection rates, increased bleeding, ketoacidosis, and increased The risk of neonatal malformation and macrosomia, the fetus is prone to respiratory distress syndrome, hyperbilirubinemia, intellectual disability, etc. You don’t need to panic too much about this. As long as you control your blood sugar and exercise reasonably during pregnancy, you can effectively avoid danger.

(3) Will the child be a sugar man?

The occurrence of diabetes is affected by both genetic factors and environmental factors. Genetic factors are only one of the causes of diabetes, and it does not necessarily mean that children whose parents have diabetes will have diabetes. The key still lies in acquired environmental factors, so as a sugar mother, you must cultivate a scientific lifestyle for your children, such as a nutritious low-calorie diet, regular exercise, regular sleep, no smoking, no alcohol, etc.

Pregnancy and other special periods

Psychological problems:

Pregnant women are a group with a high incidence of psychological problems. They are not only worried about their own physical condition, but also about the development and health of their fetuses. Patients with gestational diabetes have a higher incidence of anxiety and depressive symptoms, especially anxiety disorders and anxiety levels. For normal pregnant women, the main symptoms are low mood, not liking to interact with others, getting angry when things happen, and being pessimistic when thinking about problems.

Although it is understandable for people with gestational diabetes to experience such psychological pressure. Poor blood sugar management will be harmful to both adults and children. However, gestational diabetes patients must learn to relax. Excessive emotional anxiety will only make the situation worse. Because bad emotions can lead to hypersympathetic nerves and increased secretion of insulin antagonist hormones, causing blood sugar fluctuations and affecting fetal development, pregnant women may also develop adverse health behaviors.

Solutions to their problems can be found here

(1) Actively control the condition, follow doctor’s instructions, and control blood sugar within the ideal range.

(2) Divert attention. Although high blood sugar may have a certain impact on the child, the patient should relax. As long as the blood sugar is well controlled, the child will be healthy. Pregnant women should not get too carried away, they should shift their attention to other things, and also pay attention to strengthening physical activity.

(3) Many people are anxious about the disease because they do not understand it. When they hear the word "diabetes", they are already at a loss. Therefore, it is recommended that patients with diabetes should strengthen their knowledge of diabetes, and patients with gestational diabetes should learn from regular channels. Get comprehensive information

Knowledge, use knowledge to solve your own doubts, you will know what you should do, what you should pay attention to, and free yourself from bad emotions.

(4) If you are in a bad mood, let it out, don’t hold it in. As family members, we must also cooperate with the patient, listen to what the pregnant woman has to say, and patiently enlighten her.

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