Placing mobile phones next to your pillow increases the risk of brain tumors

Placing mobile phones next to your pillow increases the risk of brain tumors

Modern people cannot live without mobile phones. They need mobile phones to work, socialize, play, and even sleep. Check Moments before going to bed, put your phone next to your pillow after falling asleep, play games when you have insomnia, and check Moments again after waking up... This kind of sleep state is probably a routine operation for many friends.

But if you are keen on sleeping with your mobile phone as a "companion", have you ever thought that this kind of sleep operation is very dangerous, causing great damage to human body functions, and it is all-round and without blind spots.

What are the risks of playing with mobile phones while sleeping?

1. The risk of brain tumors is greatly increased

The World Health Organization Cancer Research Center clearly points out that using mobile phones while sleeping will increase the risk of certain brain tumors. If this habit continues for more than ten years, the risk will increase to more than double. Therefore, mobile phones have been included in the "Class 2B carcinogens" together with lead. Dear friends, please stop playing with mobile phones while sleeping!

2. The prevalence of glaucoma is increasing

Professor Liu Xing, chief physician of the glaucoma specialist at Zhongshan Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University, reminded that because the light when using mobile phones at night is generally dark, and people watch the mobile phone screen at close range, it can easily lead to pupil dilation, eyeball angle blockage, and intraocular pressure. Elevated, thereby inducing angle-closure glaucoma.

3. Mobile phone disease is coming one after another

When people use mobile phones while sleeping, their body posture is generally uncomfortable or even incorrect. Maintaining this posture for a long time will have adverse effects on the cervical spine, shoulders, back and lumbar spine. Severe cases can lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain, leading to symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and thumb tenosynovitis. Because all kinds of problems are caused by mobile phones, there is currently a special name in the medical community, which is mobile phone disease.

4. Insomnia worsens

Studies have shown that mobile phone radiation can delay falling asleep by up to 6 minutes and shorten sleep by 8 minutes. If this situation persists for a long time, it will cause functional disorders in the central nervous system, cause dreaminess, insomnia, hair loss and other symptoms, aggravate the original insomnia, and form a vicious cycle of insomnia.

5. Hearing loss

Many people like to wear headphones and listen to music on their mobile phones while sleeping until they fall asleep. In fact, this "hypnotic" method is extremely harmful to the human body and can cause hearing loss if continued for a long time. Data has been reported that up to 31% of people suffer from tinnitus problems because of mobile phones. It can be seen that mobile phones have become an out-and-out "hearing killer".

6. Increased skin wrinkles

For women, long-term use of mobile phones while sleeping will lead to increased wrinkles on the chin and neck due to lowering the head. In addition, because the font size of mobile phones is too small, people often squint when looking at mobile phones at night, which will also increase crow's feet around the eyes, so women who love beauty should try not to play with mobile phones while sleeping.

The quality of sleep is closely related to human health. Try to maintain a normal and natural mentality and avoid unnecessary things that interfere with sleep, thereby improving the quality of sleep, getting in good condition, and welcoming the arrival of a new day!

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