Men’s health can be seen from morning urine

Men’s health can be seen from morning urine

Male "sugar lovers" will have more or less health problems as they age and the course of diabetes prolongs. How to discover these problems is very important.

The first pee in the morning is a good mirror, which can better reflect the health of the genitourinary system and is the best indicator of our life and diet. From the color, smell, and state of urine, we can identify various conditions such as physical condition, whether the amount of water consumed is sufficient, and whether there is any disease in the body.

Turbid urine: pay attention to identification. When urine appears turbid and milky white in color, the first thing that usually comes to mind is infection. Indeed, when an infection develops in the urinary tract, this can occur. If it is a more severe urethritis, there will be some purulent secretion from the urethral opening when you wake up in the morning. However, chyluria can also cause turbid urine that is milky white or rice soup-like.

In addition, after urination, sometimes turbid milky white urine will appear, which is what we often call "white dripping". If it happens accidentally, don't be nervous. It may be due to excessive secretion of prostatic fluid due to long-term non-ejaculation, resulting in overflow. If it occurs more often, it may be a sign of prostatitis.

Red urine, urinary tract infection Red urine is likely to be a symptom of urinary tract infection, such as urethritis, urinary tract stones, etc. If you are excreting red urine and have problems with frequent urination, urgency, and painful urination, it is recommended to have a urinary system-related examination to avoid missing the best opportunity for treatment.

Sometimes eating vegetables and fruits with natural pigments such as carrots can also cause urine to appear light red. But this phenomenon is only temporary and will recover if you drink more water.

If there is blood in the urine, there must be something abnormal. If there is blood in the urine, it means there must be something abnormal in the body. However, hematuria will occur due to infection, stones, tumors, etc. in any part of the urinary system, and some systemic diseases can also cause hematuria. Therefore, the causes of hematuria are very complex. Once hematuria occurs, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible to find out the cause and provide symptomatic treatment to avoid delaying the best time for treatment.

Urine that is yellow like strong tea: Pay more attention to liver problems. If the urine is yellow like pus tea for a long time, it indicates liver problems. If there are inflammation, tumors, stones, etc. in the bile ducts inside and outside the liver, it will cause the urine to turn yellow. If there is a long-term yellowing problem in the urine, be sure to pay attention to whether there are other symptoms around you, such as jaundice, fatigue, and upper abdominal discomfort. Comfort and pain, etc., and go for relevant liver examination in time.

However, if you only have yellow urine once or twice, it lasts for a short time and there is no other discomfort, you can rest assured. Because the change in urine color is also related to the body's sweating, water intake, and diet. If you sweat more and drink less water, the color of your urine will also become darker. In addition, when you first get up, your kidneys have accumulated urine from the entire night, so the urine will be darker in color and have a relatively stronger smell.

Urinary tract bifurcation is not necessarily prostatitis. Urinary bifurcation indicates prostatitis. This is a misunderstanding among many men. The main cause of urine bifurcation is that the prostate expands and squeezes the urethra. However, there are many reasons that can cause prostate swelling, such as prostate inflammation and enlargement, prostatic hyperplasia, and even simple penile erection. Because when the penis is erect, the prostate will also be congested, enlarged, and secrete substances. Some men may have had this experience: after having an erection at night or in the morning, they go to the toilet to urinate, and then find that the urinary tract is bifurcated. This is caused by penile erection and is a normal phenomenon.

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