Is it the fault of my heart that I can't keep my mouth shut?

Is it the fault of my heart that I can't keep my mouth shut?

The current treatment of diabetes mainly adopts the "five carriages" approach, which are: drugs, exercise, diet, blood sugar monitoring and patient education. Among them, diet control is a very important part of diabetes treatment, and it is also the most difficult and painful part for diabetics to adhere to.

Many people with diabetes know about healthy eating, but they do not have good self-control and effective self-management. So, why is diet management so easy to know but difficult to do?

In some cases, it's not that people with diabetes don't know how to manage it, or that the actual conditions don't allow it, but they still can't control it well.

I can't keep my mouth shut, there's a real reason behind it

Many times the so-called poor dietary control of diabetic patients is more to meet psychological needs, and the final result is to destroy the health of the body. Many people with diabetes play a hard-working role in life, so they are afraid of their own greed and may over-control their eating. Especially middle-aged and elderly people with diabetes. Most people of this age have experienced political movements or wars. They suffered from poverty and hunger when they were children. The experiences at that time are deeply imprinted on their eating habits.

case analysis:

For example, Mr. Jia, a 57-year-old diabetic patient, is very aware of the dietary management methods for diabetes, but he has never been able to control his diet and his blood sugar has not been well controlled. Despite repeated instructions from doctors and daily advice from his family members, he still can't control himself.

Teacher Jia’s family was very poor when she was a child and could not see any meat for a year. In this case, her father’s illness increased the financial pressure on the family. Therefore, when she became an adult, she could not accept leftovers. When eating with her family, the children would It’s quite wasteful, so even though I know that eating too much is not good for blood sugar, I still can’t help but finish the food on the table.

For situations such as Teacher Jia’s inability to control her diet due to psychological reasons, we give two suggestions:

1. Get down from the table first after eating, watch TV or go for a walk, and shift your attention to other things. You can physically isolate yourself from some behaviors that are not good for your body.

2. Instruct your family to prepare meals in moderation to avoid waste.

Why do we have partial eclipses?

When a person likes to eat a certain type of food for a long time, only eats specific foods, or resolutely refuses to eat a certain type of food, it may mean that this type of food has great significance to him. For example, he loves to eat staple food. It may be due to his childhood and poor family. When you're hungry, you'll be full when you're hungry. Eating staple food is cheap and filling. It's a habit developed since childhood.

For example, the taste is sweet, and many studies have shown that it is a symbolic satisfaction of the desire for care or sexual needs. The neurobiochemical reactions triggered by eating desserts are very similar to the neural reactions during euphoria.

Many people with diabetes will find that they have more or less preferences for food. When the food they like is not conducive to the disease, such as high-sugar, high-calorie, unhealthy food, they can slow down their eating speed and let their taste buds enjoy every bite of the food. , fully satisfy the psychological and physiological cravings, and avoid eating while watching TV. Unknowingly, you will overeat the food, and the food satisfaction will be greatly reduced compared to focusing on each bite.

Another type of partial eclipse refers to foods that you don’t like that are healthier for the body, such as vegetables. You need to eat them, but you can eat less, or you can change them to cooking methods that are more acceptable to you, and you can even eat them the same as you like. The food is cooked together.

On the contrary to the partial eclipse, children who grew up eating Baijia rice often show their openness to food in terms of being generous, open and adaptable in life. This kind of open and adaptable person is used to being free to eat whatever he wants. After suffering from diabetes, letting him start self-management means that he is forced to adapt to the environment and give up the freedom of food, which may be extremely difficult for him.

Family members give patients with diabetes more understanding and patience

You who read this may be a sugar patient, or a relative or friend of a sugar patient. Let us imagine: Now if you need to change your eating habits, you can’t eat your favorite cake when you want to eat it, but you have to eat it when you are greedy for meat. Control, when you want to have a drink and enjoy yourself, you have to control yourself. Is it difficult to control yourself?

If you empathize, I believe you will be able to better understand the inability of people with diabetes to control their diet, and give them more attention and patience.

Only by paying attention to yourself and understanding yourself can you control your mouth

For people with diabetes, they need to understand why they cannot control their diet well. After excluding various realistic factors, if they still cannot achieve good diet management, they need to be aware of the relationship between their eating behavior and their own psychology. Only by understanding yourself and the reasons behind it can you achieve true diabetes dietary control. Otherwise, you will be driven by unconscious forces, leading to a situation where "your mind is thinking about vegetables and your hands are reaching for cakes."

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