Insulin on the table, regular consumption makes blood sugar more stable

Insulin on the table, regular consumption makes blood sugar more stable

"Huangdi Neijing" has long pointed out:
"Poisons attack evil spirits, five grains are for nourishment, five fruits are for help, five animals are for benefit, and five vegetables are for replenishment. The smell is combined and taken to replenish the essence."

From this record, we can see that ancient China already believed that poisons can attack evil spirits;

Non-toxic foods such as grains, fruits, livestock, vegetables, etc. can replenish lean qi, especially when the spleen and stomach are deficient.

There are many examples of ancient people using dietary supplements:

In books such as "Therapeutic Materia Medica" and "Therapeutic Diet for All Diseases", many foods with tonic effects are recorded.

As Zhao Xuemin said in "Supplements to Materia Medica": "Rice oil nourishes yin and is better than cooked rehmannia." Rice oil is the rice soup used in daily cooking.

Benefits of dietary supplements

Symptoms of weak spleen and stomach may include poor appetite, abdominal distension, irregular bowel movements, swollen face, lack of breath and weak speech, thin limbs, poor disease resistance, and even lead to all kinds of diseases.

In mild cases, dietary supplements are enough; in severe cases, prescriptions are required.

Sun Simiao, a doctor in the Tang Dynasty, said: "Food can expel evil spirits and calm the internal organs, please the spirit and refresh the mind, and nourish the qi and blood."

"And the medicinal properties are strong, just like guarding a soldier" "The potency of the medicine is biased, making people's internal organs uneven and vulnerable to external diseases."

A normal diet of three meals a day can help the growth of stomach qi and the biochemistry of qi, blood and body fluids, thereby maintaining the body's physiological health needs.

The insulin on the table is super beneficial to blood sugar. Regular consumption of insulin will make blood sugar more stable.

Among middle-aged and elderly people, hyperglycemia, diabetes and their complications have increasingly become problems that plague our lives. These problems often arise from excessive blood sugar concentration in the body, insufficient or impaired insulin secretion. In order to help you solve these problems, this article will introduce several foods called "insulin on the table", hoping to be helpful to everyone's health.

Lettuce - fried fungus and carrots with lettuce
Lettuce is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and fiber. Its high fiber content can slow down the digestion and absorption of food, thereby helping to control the rise in blood sugar. Fungus is rich in plant fiber and multiple vitamins, which can help improve gastrointestinal function and enhance immunity. Carrots are rich in carotene and vitamin C, which help lower blood sugar and blood lipids, promote digestion and detoxification.

Seafood Mushrooms - Fried Seafood Mushrooms with Green Peppers
Seafood mushrooms are not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients such as protein, fiber and vitamin B. Its high protein content can not only enhance the body's resistance, but also maintain the stability of blood sugar. Green pepper is a low-sugar, low-calorie food that is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, which helps lower blood sugar and blood lipids and regulate blood pressure. Stir-fried seafood mushrooms with green peppers are not only delicious, but also provide rich nutrients to help us maintain the stability of blood sugar.

Onions – Stir-fried beef with onions
Onions are a common condiment that not only has a unique aroma, but also contains sulfur compounds that help blood circulation and lower blood sugar. Stir-fried beef with onions is not only delicious, but beef is rich in protein and amino acids, which can provide the nutrients needed by the human body and help enhance the body's immunity.

Celery – Stir-fried Chicken Breasts with Celery
Celery is a low-calorie, high-fiber food that is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and other nutrients. Its high fiber content helps promote gastrointestinal motility and increases satiety, thereby reducing food intake. Chicken breast is rich in high-quality protein, which can not only meet the nutritional needs of the human body, but also help reduce fat intake, lower blood lipids and blood sugar.

Summary: The foods introduced above not only taste delicious, but are also rich in nutrients, which can help lower blood sugar and blood lipids, and control blood pressure and weight. Through reasonable combination and consumption, it can help us maintain the stability of blood sugar, improve gastrointestinal function, enhance immunity, and improve the body's resistance. Therefore, we can consume these “insulin-on-the-table” foods in moderation in our daily diet to promote our health and well-being.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "drug supplements are not as good as dietary supplements." Diet therapy is also a disease treatment and prevention concept that Chinese doctors of all ages have attached great importance to.

Many people are not sure about the importance of eating. They can refer to the book "Dietary Cure for All Diseases".

The book has detailed records of various foods, and also clarifies which foods that are often eaten can induce diseases.

The dietary therapy plan selected in "Dietary Therapy for All Diseases" is based on the mutual treatment of food attributes and clever combination of food, vegetables, fruits and meat to achieve the effects of treating, preventing and maintaining health.

The menu is complete. There are relative dietary treatments for more than 100 diseases. All these have been analyzed in detail and can be understood clearly.

"Dietary Cure for All Diseases", "Old Folk Prescriptions", and "TCM Health and Treatment" were all compiled by senior Chinese medicine practitioners. They spent decades compiling most of the practical prescriptions handed down from the folk.

The elders said that my own power is limited, and promoting the prescription can help everyone.

My whole life is worth it. I suggest you keep one at home just in case.

Nowadays, young people often stay up late and work overtime. How should we treat them with our dietary therapy?

As long as you stay up late and work overtime, you will get acne on your face. As the saying goes, a man with a good liver will be strong, and a woman with a good liver will be beautiful.

Boil American ginseng, dendrobium, tangerine peel, Polygonatum odoratum, and Ophiopogon japonicus in water for 30 minutes. Drink it two or three times a week. It will make people feel calm and sleep well.

Because as long as the liver is clean, the face will be more beautiful, and you will no longer be afraid of staying up late and working overtime.

What should I do if I have a dry and sore throat and dry cough with less phlegm in autumn and winter?

Our method of using dietary therapy to relieve cough is to buy some autumn pears, wash them and cut them into pieces for later use. Then buy some honeysuckle, Luo Han Guo, hawthorn, raw licorice and tangerine peel and put them into a crock pot to make soup.

Simmer over low heat for an hour. You can also add a few pieces of rock sugar and keep taking it. It is really effective in moistening the lungs, relieving coughs, digesting food and reducing phlegm.

It has a good effect on people with long-term yin deficiency and dryness cough, and is suitable for all ages.

Chinese dietary therapy culture has a long history and is an important part of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. China's dietary therapy culture is still brilliant in an era of highly developed science and technology, and it is still a required course for modern people.

To establish a scientific and reasonable lifestyle, we still need to have a certain food culture.

The method of making this "Dietary Cure for All Diseases", "Old Folk Prescriptions", and "TCM Health Treatment" is to use simple foods, such as stewing, boiling, steaming, etc. People who have never cooked rice can easily make it.

There are three books in this set, "Food Therapy for All Diseases", "Old Folk Prescriptions", and "Health and Treatment of Diseases with Traditional Chinese Medicine", which can be purchased as a set.

Prescriptions for the elderly and traditional Chinese medicine health and treatment can solve ailments and pains in daily life.

Diet can lead to a healthier body and a longer life.

Health, health depends on it! Only by staying healthy can we achieve the goal of longevity!

This set of "Food Therapy for All Diseases", "Old Folk Prescriptions", and "Health Preservation and Treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine" are essential prescriptions for health preservation.

If it is combined with traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, you will not seek treatment.

This dietary therapy culture is a recipe of successful cases compiled by the older generation of Chinese medicine practitioners through decades of scientific experiments.

It’s so practical and worth having every home ready for!

Friends who are qualified must prepare a good book like this for themselves and their families. You can easily purchase it by clicking on the link below!

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