I battled with high blood sugar for 4 stages before I found the "recipe"!

I battled with high blood sugar for 4 stages before I found the "recipe"!

I had gestational diabetes and entered the pre-diabetes stage after giving birth. Because I didn’t manage it well, I was diagnosed with diabetes. During this period, I couldn’t control my mouth when I moved my legs. My blood sugar kept going up and down. It wasn’t until I met more people with diabetes that I found control. The “recipe” for diabetes.

Postpartum enters the prediabetic period: unscientific management

I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 27 weeks pregnant and was treated with insulin. Two months after delivery, I went to the hospital for a review. The fasting blood sugar value was 4.71mmol/L, and the blood sugar value 2 hours after the 75g glucose test was 9.63mmol/L. The doctor characterized her as prediabetes.

In the two to three years after giving birth, I still pay more attention to my diet and maintain the eating habits during pregnancy. However, due to the nature of my work, my activity level is very small and my blood sugar is rarely monitored.

Due to long-term diet control, people always appear to be lack of energy, their complexion is not very good, and they often have low blood pressure. After this situation has been maintained for a while, I feel that if things go on like this, the quality of life is too poor and the fun of life is much less. Before you know it, you no longer control your diet and start enjoying delicious food wantonly.

I don’t remember how long the Taotie days had passed. Suddenly one day, I always felt pain after urinating. After it lasted for most of a day, I actually found bleeding when urinating. For the first time, I learned what a urinary infection was. After a while, every time I ate, my forehead and neck were covered with sweat. Thinking of having such a reaction when my blood sugar is high during pregnancy, my heart pounded. I went to the hospital to check my blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin with the hope of luck. , the test results showed that I had type 2 diabetes.

Lonely anti-glycemic period: blood sugar goes back and forth

Life goes back and forth like this, I start to control my diet again and start taking medicine. I only took one medicine at the beginning, but soon I increased it to two medicines. The dosage also increased from once a day to twice a day, from 1 tablet to 2 tablets at a time, but my blood sugar still continued to be high ( Fasting (more than 10mmol/L), my body quickly lost weight. In a short period of time, my weight dropped to more than 80 kilograms. Continuous urinary infections also made me miserable. The infections were getting faster and more severe. I was already very serious. I paid attention to cleaning, but I still couldn't control the recurring urinary infections.

After my children went to school, I left my job and returned home in order to pick them up and drop them off, and to adjust my blood sugar. My father learned about my situation, calculated the calories I needed every day based on my height and weight, and divided them into each meal in proportion. He carefully listed the recipes and even bought a special electronic scale for weighing food. I ate every meal according to the recipes prepared by my father, and soon my blood sugar dropped to normal levels.

Even if I shut up, I still couldn't move my legs, and I was too lazy to move all day long. I am also very depressed. I always feel that food is limited and one of the joys in life is missing.

Later, under the supervision of my family, I walked around the community every day after breakfast and dinner. I felt so bored. In order to have more fun, I learned Tai Chi. I gradually exercised more and my blood sugar became relatively stable.

The good times did not last long, and they all said that the scar would be forgotten and the pain would be forgotten. As expected, as soon as the mood improved, the appetite also improved, and he began to indulge in various delicacies without paying attention to controlling his food intake. This is really a step forward, but I can't control my mouth.

Blood sugar keeps going back and forth like this, and overall, the control is not ideal.

Finally found the "secret" to control sugar

By chance, I learned that people with diabetes have their own organizations, such as diabetes associations and activity groups for people with diabetes. Through participating in activities, I got to know a group of experienced and active people with diabetes, and they shared a lot of their struggles with me. Sugar experience. Before I met these sugar friends, I was fighting sugar alone, and no one shared my anti-sugar experience with me. After participating in activities for people with diabetes, I felt I had found an organization.

In the past few years, diabetes has brought me a lot of confusion and troubles. After getting to know these diabetics, their hearty laughter, enthusiastic and enthusiastic help, and positive attitude towards life infected me, and gradually reduced my anxiety. The resistance to diabetes makes me feel again that even with diabetes, life can still be wonderful.

I have introduced their good experiences into my life and learned from their failed experiences. Combined with the doctor's guidance, my blood sugar is now very stable and can be stable for a long time.

My secret to controlling diabetes is to accept diabetes calmly, combine the theoretical knowledge of doctors with the practical experience of diabetes patients, and implement it into real life. It will no longer be difficult to fight against diabetes, and you will no longer be afraid of diabetes.

I hope my experience will be helpful to those with diabetes who are in the exploratory period of treatment!

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