How can a sugar mama eat well without raising sugar levels?

How can a sugar mama eat well without raising sugar levels?

Many sugar mommies will encounter this problem. Although they don't eat a lot, their blood sugar control is not very stable.

How to control blood sugar by changing eating habits?

In terms of diet, sugar mothers must not only ensure the caloric and nutritional needs during pregnancy, but also avoid postprandial hyperglycemia or starvation ketosis to maintain this balance. If your pre-pregnancy eating habits were unreasonable, you need to slowly change them now.

You can try the following changes:

① Eat at regular intervals, small and frequent meals: generally three main meals + three snacks (10 a.m., 3 p.m., before going to bed).

② Balanced nutrition and appropriate restriction of carbohydrates: Carbohydrates mainly come from cereals and their products, fruits and root vegetables. After entering the body, they are broken down into sugars, such as glucose, which serve as the body's main energy source. For patients with GDM, the energy ratio provided by carbohydrates should be 50%-55% higher.

③Ensure adequate protein: Sufficient protein is crucial for the development of the fetus. It mainly comes from meat (such as poultry, livestock, fish), eggs, milk and beans. It is important to maintain the normal development of the uterus, placenta and fetus. Nutrients. In the first trimester, on the basis of providing 1.0g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, add 5g per day; in the second trimester, add 15g per day; in the third trimester, add 20g per day.

④Reasonable fat intake: "Sugar" mothers should reduce the intake of trans fatty acids, which are often lurking in margarine, vegetable shortening, chocolate, ice cream, biscuits and other foods. For cooking oil, you can choose olive oil, camellia oil, soybean oil or corn oil with higher unsaturated fatty acid content.

⑤ High-fiber diet to ensure adequate vitamins and minerals: It is recommended to consume 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber daily, which can control the rise in blood sugar after meals, lower cholesterol, and reduce or improve constipation; source of trace elements and minerals: milk products, meat, eggs, legumes and fresh vegetables.

⑥ Eat a light diet, low in fat, oil, and salt, and prohibit the intake of refined sugar: no more than 6 grams of salt per day, and avoid the intake of refined sugar and desserts.

What should I do if I always feel like I can’t eat enough during the diet control period?

① First, check whether the total calories for the day are appropriate and whether you eat very little in order to keep your blood sugar up to standard. Eating too little can easily lead to starvation ketosis and fetal growth restriction, which is very bad. You need to eat scientifically. If you eat well, your blood sugar will not be high.

②Secondly, if you have reached the calories and still are not full, there are some tips you can refer to:

Eat small and frequent meals: Even out a small portion of food from the main meal and place it between meals, such as 10 a.m., 3 p.m., or before going to bed. This will not only reduce hunger, but also help stabilize blood sugar.

③ The staple food should be of different thicknesses: instead of just eating white rice, you can add some "stuff" to the rice, including some miscellaneous beans, millet, brown rice, etc. The digestion and absorption of multigrain rice will be slower and you will not get hungry so quickly.

④ Increase dietary fiber intake: On the premise of controlling total calories, dietary fiber intake can be appropriately increased, such as fresh green vegetables, fungus, celery, etc.

⑤ Pay attention to the order and speed of eating: drink soup first to fill your stomach, then eat vegetables, meat, and staple food; slow down your eating speed and chew slowly, usually for more than 20 minutes, which will help increase the feeling of fullness. Reduce food intake.

Having said all that, sugar mommies, do you know how to eat it?

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