Get rid of misunderstandings about diabetes life

Get rid of misunderstandings about diabetes life

According to media reports, Hong Kong movie star Man Tsz-leung revealed at an event that he has suffered from diabetes for many years. He himself mentioned: The most difficult thing during treatment is to control his diet. He used to eat 3 bowls of rice per meal, but now he can only eat 3 mouthfuls of rice or If you use oatmeal instead of rice, you will easily feel hungry, and your body will often be in a state of hunger; and you should not do strenuous exercise, otherwise it will cause hypoglycemia.

Diet control and exercise intervention are two very important points in the treatment of diabetes. Just like the movie star Wan Ziliang, many people do not dare to eat after getting diabetes. They are afraid of hypoglycemia when they exercise more, which makes them timid.

How can I keep my mouth shut without being hungry, and how can I open my legs without being hungry?

Eat as needed, excessive food restriction is not advisable

It was incorrect for movie star Wan Ziliang to only eat 3 mouthfuls of rice in one meal after he fell ill.

The principle of dietary treatment for patients with diabetes is to reasonably control total energy and adopt a balanced diet that is low in fat, high in dietary fiber, and high in micronutrients. This will help control blood sugar to reach the target and reduce the burden on pancreatic beta cells.

If diabetic patients restrict their diet excessively, have insufficient energy intake, and are often in a state of hunger, they will not only easily cause hypoglycemia, but also cause a series of metabolic problems. Therefore, patients can eat with confidence while controlling their total energy intake. Diabetic patients can calculate the total energy they need every day according to the following formula: Total energy needed daily = ideal weight (kilogram) × energy required per kilogram of body weight, ideal weight (kilogram) = height (cm) -105.

Carbohydrate foods can increase blood sugar, but the daily intake of carbohydrates for diabetic patients is not as low as possible. The energy provided by carbohydrates in patients’ daily meals should account for 50% to 60% of the total energy throughout the day; In addition, you must have a balanced diet, a balanced intake of various nutrients, and try to choose foods rich in dietary fiber, such as whole grains, vegetables, beans, potatoes, and fruits.

Scientific exercise can effectively avoid hypoglycemia

Exercise has many benefits in the treatment of diabetes, such as increasing insulin sensitivity, helping to control blood sugar, preventing diseases and maintaining good health.

Research shows that diabetic patients who insist on regular exercise for 12 to 14 years have a significantly lower mortality rate. Therefore, diabetic patients should continue to exercise, but exercise must be scientific. Blind exercise may be detrimental to blood sugar control and may be counterproductive.

● Exercise time

The frequency and time of exercise should be at least 150 minutes a week, for example, 5 days a week, 30 minutes each time. Research has found that even a small amount of physical activity (such as an average of 10 minutes a day) can be beneficial. If the patient finds it difficult to complete the recommended amount of exercise, he or she can start with a smaller amount of exercise.

● Pay attention to blood sugar monitoring

It is best for patients to exercise about 1 hour after a meal. Exercise on an empty stomach can easily lead to hypoglycemia. If patients feel uncomfortable during exercise, they should stop exercising immediately and check their blood sugar immediately. If their blood sugar is abnormal, they should take treatment measures or seek help. Blood sugar should be checked before exercising and avoid exercising on an empty stomach.

● Be particular about injecting insulin

Some patients receiving insulin treatment have doubts about exercise: after injecting insulin, exercise will accelerate the absorption of insulin, which can easily lead to hypoglycemia. Is it suitable for patients who need insulin treatment to exercise?

In fact, patients receiving insulin treatment can fully exercise as long as they choose a suitable injection site. It is best to inject insulin into the abdomen. If injected into the limbs, movement of the limbs will accelerate the absorption of insulin and strengthen its effect, making hypoglycemia more likely to occur.

Tips for reducing stress

Some diabetic patients have overcome misunderstandings about diet and exercise, but find it difficult to overcome psychological barriers. Patients are under great psychological pressure after becoming ill, which will affect disease control. Here are some ways to reduce the psychological stress of patients with diabetes, I hope it will be helpful to you.

1. Maintain an optimistic attitude. As the saying goes, attitude determines destiny. Yes, mentality is a good start to everything. Diabetic patients should face life calmly. Since the fact of the disease cannot be changed, then accept it calmly, and the inner anxiety and uneasiness will be reduced a lot.

2. Talk to others. Talking is a good way to relieve stress. Don't keep the problem in your heart. Tell your family and friends about the problem. The advice of others will help you.

3. The benefits of exercise for diabetes are obvious to all. At the same time, exercise can also relieve psychological stress and is very helpful for the physical and mental health of diabetic patients.

4. Divert your attention and develop hobbies. Patients with psychological stress should learn to divert their attention. Instead of dwelling on the disease itself all day long, they should shift their attention to the treatment of the disease. Cultivating more hobbies and good living habits can improve psychological problems and increase self-confidence.

5. Participate in more social activities. Diabetic patients can participate in some social activities such as diabetes clubs and diabetes days. In these social activities, patients can learn ways to control the disease and relevant guidance, and they can talk to their friends to relieve psychological stress.

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