Five bad habits that people with diabetes should avoid

Five bad habits that people with diabetes should avoid

When talking about diabetes, a question pops up in many people’s minds: Have they eaten too much sugar? This is not the case. Genetic factors and some unhealthy living habits are the real enemies to be careful of.

One of the bad habits that lead to diabetes: smoking and drinking

We all know that smoking and drinking alcohol can cause direct damage to the lungs and stomach, but do you know how it is related to diabetes?

The principle of smoking-induced diabetes is relatively complex. The most important thing is that it may lead to insulin resistance or insufficient insulin secretion, weakening the effect of insulin, and thus leading to the occurrence of diabetes! Alcoholism will lead to excessive alcohol content in the human body, damage insulin function, and even cause pancreatitis, which in turn will cause chaos in the body's sugar metabolism and lead to disease!

The second bad habit that leads to diabetes: eating too much and too carefully

As the saying goes, you are only half full, but do you really do that?

When it comes to factors that induce diabetes, unhealthy eating habits bear the brunt, especially overeating and overeating! This kind of bad eating habit will overload the body's pancreas, easily cause insulin secretion dysfunction, and more easily induce diabetes. In addition, eating too much for a long time can easily make people become obese and increase the probability of the three highs (hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension).

Wealth will allow us to live a more refined life, such as choosing to eat some fine rice and noodles. During the processing of grains, a large amount of vitamins and dietary fiber on the surface of the grains will be lost, which will greatly accelerate the rise of sugar.

The traditional Chinese diet is based on grains. Just thirty years ago, most of us ate brown rice, which was not highly processed.

But since the reform and opening up, our food has become more and more fine. Now, polished rice and fine noodles are what we often choose. But polished rice noodles contain almost no fiber. When eaten into the body, they are quickly digested and metabolized, causing blood sugar to rise rapidly.

The food we eat is getting better and better, but the amount of activity is getting less and less. The absorbed glucose cannot be consumed immediately, and active insulin can only store the surplus glucose.

If we cannot burn off the calories we eat every day, this will result in a relative lack of insulin secretion and the blood sugar level will get higher and higher. If the body is in this state for a long time, it is easy to develop diabetes.

Therefore, what is more advocated now is the combination of thickness and thickness, adding some mixed beans (red beans, mung beans, kidney beans, peas, etc.) and mixed grains (brown rice, barley rice, chopped corn, oats, etc.) to the white rice. If you like to eat noodles, add some corn flour, soybean flour, and purple sweet potato flour to the refined white flour.

The third bad habit that leads to diabetes: Not sleeping enough

After a night of not sleeping well, you will feel dizzy, confused and confused when you wake up. If you have trouble sleeping for a long time, you are likely to suffer from high blood sugar.

Kristen Knudsen, MD, of Northwestern University, observed the sleep conditions of 40 people with diabetes for 6 consecutive days, while monitoring their blood sugar and insulin levels. The results found that people with sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea had a 23% increase in morning blood sugar levels and a 48% increase in insulin levels. Compared with people with diabetes who do not have sleep problems, people with diabetes who have sleep disorders have an 82% higher risk of developing insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can easily lead to type 2 diabetes. If you don't sleep well for a long time, you are at a very high risk of developing diabetes.

Lack of sleep affects insulin sensitivity. A person's insulin sensitivity is not static but depends on how much sleep they got the night before. People who sleep for less than 6 hours have a 4-5 times higher incidence of abnormal glucose tolerance than those who sleep for a relatively long time, thus causing diabetes. Normal sleep time requires 7-8 hours.

"Sleep duration has been significantly shortened in Western countries over the past decade, while the prevalence of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes has also increased," said Dr. Esther of Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands.

The fourth bad habit that leads to diabetes: Not exercising

This is just like if the monthly salary is not spent, the number in the passbook will increase. If the amount of exercise is small and the energy is not consumed throughout the day, it will be converted into fat and glycogen and stored in the body, making people gain weight. Obesity not only changes body shape, but also causes "insulin resistance" and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

After work or during holidays, isn’t it more comfortable to stay at home and sleep in, play games, or watch TV shows than exercising? This kind of thinking, coupled with the fast pace of life, makes exercise become a "luxury"! And it is precisely because of the lack of exercise that the "three highs", chronic diseases that were originally common among the elderly, have become more common among young and middle-aged people. If a person lacks exercise for a long time, the sensitivity of the insulin secreted in his body will be reduced and the body's resistance to diabetes will be weakened!

Many people sit and play computer games during the day at work, and sit and play games at home at night. They spend most of the day on a chair or sofa.

Even if you exercise for 2 hours at night, it cannot make up for the damage caused by sitting for a long time during the day. The risk of developing diabetes will still be higher than that of people who often stand up and move.

Five bad habits that lead to diabetes: Only focusing on losing weight and not paying attention to muscles

Lack of muscle exercise is an important reason for the high incidence of diabetes.

There are muscle glycogen in the muscles. When the muscles exercise, the muscle glycogen consumes the blood sugar converted from food, and the blood sugar will drop. Many diabetic patients have high blood sugar levels after eating and then go down within half an hour of walking. This is also true.

So, the muscles are lowering blood sugar.

From this perspective, people over forty should focus on exercising their muscles to leave room for future prevention and treatment of diabetes.

Bad habits contribute to the development of diabetes to a large extent! So stay away from the "bad habits" you may be doing with diabetes. If you don't want to get diabetes, start correcting them now!

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