Firm Faith, Controlling Sugar Will Win

Firm Faith, Controlling Sugar Will Win

Foreword: Mr. Hou submitted a total of three excellent articles to Xiaonuo today. Although he put the psychological lesson in the third article, I think "psychology" is the first "candy" for new sugar people (no matter whether they are new or old). "Course is also a required course in life! So, let’s take this lesson first! Hello everyone! Houliu has been a little busy recently, and I really don’t have much time to write anything. I just happened to work to a paragraph in the past few days, and the speed has been updated. Why is Chapter 3 about psychology? It’s not about medication or monitoring, because based on my contact with people with diabetes, there are still many psychological problems among new people with diabetes (I don’t know what the percentage is in any official survey). I only know that many sugar lovers, including myself, almost become depressed when they first start taking sugar, so how to regulate their mental health is what we urgently need to do after we have the means to control blood sugar!
Generally, Gangtang friends can be divided into three mental states:
1 Friends who are ignorant and fearless mainly do not know enough about DM. They only know that if I take medicine or get an injection, everything will be fine, or they don’t think it is a disease at all. They let their blood sugar go unchecked, and they feel good every day, but they themselves The damage is like boiling a frog in warm water, which is the most undesirable.
Friends with the 2 cup bow snake shadow type have a certain understanding of the dangers and knowledge of DM, but they also have a partial or one-sided understanding, resulting in a great fear of DM or fear of the future, and they live in fear and annoyance all day long. (I have experienced such days for a while. It’s not that I can’t control it well, but I just think about the possible complications. I can’t say I shed tears every day, but there are always dark clouds over my head... I feel that at that time... I almost suffered from depression) I have come into contact with a lot of these sugar lovers, and they are also the majority of new sugar lovers now.
3 Friends who have a good time and leisure type have a relatively comprehensive understanding of DM knowledge and have certain means of controlling sugar. They can also be called old sugar. New sugar that has emerged from the shadows can advance to this stage. (I think so now^^). Next, let’s talk about how to advance to this stage. . . . . . to be continued!
1. Join more sugar friends communities or WeChat penguin groups, communicate more with sugar friends, and ask more advice from sugar lovers. Only by communicating with people of the same kind can you learn more experiences and get enlightenment from seniors, and gradually you will be able to open your heart;
2. Find some activities that interest you to participate in to distract yourself (I like to play games, and my phone is full of games)
3. Treadmills and stair-steppers are nothing. Go out and walk to an open environment, you will find that your mood will brighten up, listen to light songs, and listen to jokes (I recommend "Haha Coke Pie" for jokes. If it's not funny, you slap me...)
4. Do a comprehensive physical examination (please skip it if it is done when you are diagnosed) fundus, 24-hour urine trace, liver and kidney function, etc., to fully understand your own body, so that you will know that complications are actually far away from you. , don’t worry!
5. If you study DM knowledge seriously, you will have to understand your opponent so that you can defeat him, right? In short, our attitude towards DM should be to value it, but not to be overly afraid of it, because it can be defeated! Didn't Mao Taizu say that? : Strategically, we must despise the enemy, and tactically, we must pay attention to the enemy. This can also be applied. . . . . Good mood, good blood sugar, good body!
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