Excessive obesity increases the risk of 12 types of cancer

Excessive obesity increases the risk of 12 types of cancer

A recent report released by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) shows that excessive obesity is closely related to 12 types of cancer, and obesity is on the rise globally.

According to United Press International, the report titled "Diet, Nutrition, Exercise and Cancer" conducted a ten-year study on the relationship between cancer, obesity and lifestyle from a global perspective. This report was also released during the study. ’s third report. The first and second reports were released in 1997 and 2007 respectively. The latest report shows that obesity may increase the risk of 12 types of cancer in humans. They are: oral cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, gallbladder cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer. Endometrial cancer, prostate cancer, and kidney cancer. The study also found that nearly 10,000 women developed obesity-related cancers during 18 years of follow-up. Meanwhile, obesity is associated with an increased risk of both breast and kidney cancer after menopause.

The report makes some recommendations to reduce cancer risk, such as increasing exercise, eating less fast food and high-fat products, and eating a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. It also recommends limiting intake of red and processed meats, sugar and alcohol. Dr. Kate Allen, WCRF's executive director of science and public affairs, noted in a blog that it's unlikely there is any "magic" specific food or nutritional item that can completely prevent cancer. A metabolic state produced by the combination of different patterns of diet and exercise is the main factor that determines the risk of cancer.

It seems that you can really "fat to death"!

Wang Mei, deputy director of the Mass Sports Research Center of the Institute of Sports Science of the State Sports General Administration, once said: You can lose weight by sitting and exercising more!

The key to losing weight is not dieting. It is not a fantasy that you can still lose weight by eating normally. If you want to lose weight, instead of working hard to control your diet, it is more practical to increase your basal metabolic rate. This will not only allow you to have an ideal weight, but also make you healthy. Young women exude the radiance of youth.

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) refers to the number of calories a person needs to consume to maintain the minimum amount of energy required by the body to maintain life while stationary. To give a simple example, if a person's basic metabolic rate is 1,200 kilocalories, then even if he sleeps all day and does not perform any other activities, he will consume 1,200 kilocalories.

The basal metabolic rate is related to a person's gender, age, weight, body composition and endocrine system. Generally speaking, the basal metabolic rate will gradually decrease with age. Many women have difficulty maintaining their figure after the age of 25 and men's middle-aged gain is related to the basal metabolic rate.

If you want to increase your basal metabolic rate, exercise more and increase consumption is the only way to do it, because the higher the proportion of muscle in the body, the higher the basal metabolic rate. To put it figuratively, a person with high muscle content has a higher basal metabolic rate than a person with less muscle content, and can burn more calories while sitting than a person with low muscle content. Therefore, smart weight-lossers should choose to increase their basal metabolic rate to lose weight. This will not only make it easier to lose weight, but also eliminate the need for excessive dieting, and keep you healthy without fear of rebound.

Here is a suggestion for everyone to increase their basal metabolic rate. You can do aerobic exercise for 45 minutes to 1 hour every day. Jogging and swimming are good choices. In addition, when doing aerobic exercise, it is also necessary to do some strength training, such as sit-ups or using equipment. Because strength training can shape your body, make your body tighter, and can also increase muscle size. Jog for half an hour every day and then spend 20 minutes doing some strength training, or do aerobics three days a week and strength training two days a week. Of course, you should do stretching exercises every time you exercise, which will help with fatigue recovery and so on.

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