Don’t make the same mistakes that patients have made again!

Don’t make the same mistakes that patients have made again!

The young man, 16 years old, has type 1 diabetes for 3 years. He uses an insulin pump to control his blood sugar and does not usually monitor his blood sugar. I got together with friends and went out to eat hot pot. As a result, I had sudden nausea and vomiting for 4 hours. Random venous blood sugar was 21mmol/L, blood gas pH was 7.17, urine sugar was 4+, and ketone bodies were 3+. I was diagnosed with "ketoacidosis" and was hospitalized. .

The uncle is 45 years old and has type 2 diabetes for 5 years. He never monitors his blood sugar and is addicted to smoking and drinking. Relatives and friends gave me so many mooncakes, I was greedy, tasted them, and accidentally ate too much... As a result, I suddenly had chest tightness for one day, random venous blood sugar 37mmol/L, blood gas ph7.09, urine sugar 3+, ketone bodies 1+, also "ketoacidosis".

There are many examples of people who did not keep their mouth shut, and their lives were almost lost, and their families suffered accordingly, which was not worth the loss. Please don't make the same mistakes they made.

1. Remember that you are a diabetic

Diabetic patients need to strictly control their diet and treat festivals with a normal mind. To do this, even if it is a family reunion or a gathering of friends, you will never indulge because of happiness or drink freely because of warm admonition.

2. Meals must be regular and quantitative. People with diabetes must eat regularly and quantitatively. During holidays, life patterns are often broken. Meals are irregular, meal distribution is unreasonable, and the amount of food changes unconsciously. If you only take medicine on time but not on time, Hypoglycemia can easily occur during meals.

3. Drinking alcohol should be limited. Diabetic patients are allowed to drink occasionally and in small amounts during holidays. The concept of a small amount is 50-100 ml of red wine, 250-350 ml of beer or 50 ml of low-alcohol liquor. Even so, the intake of staple food (dry weight) should be reduced by 25 grams accordingly. Regular and excessive drinking may not only cause an imbalance in dietary control (high calories, loss of water-soluble vitamins and metabolic disorders), but also easily induce hypoglycemia.

4. Eat less or no snacks. Foods other than meals are called snacks, including candies, dried fruits, preserves, chocolate, drinks, etc. Generally, diabetic patients should not eat snacks because most snacks have a high glycemic index, which can easily lead to failure in diet control or large fluctuations in blood sugar, thus affecting the stability of the condition. In special circumstances, such as when you are away as a guest or traveling and cannot eat on time, snacks can be used as a snack to prevent hypoglycemia.

5. The diet should be light and bland for sugar lovers, and the daily salt intake should be limited to 5 grams. At the same time, you should also pay attention to avoid or eat less salt-rich foods such as cured fish, bacon, salted or sauced foods that are often eaten during festivals. In addition to less salt, there is also less oil. Patients should try to eat less fatty meat, fish roe, crab roe, egg yolk and other foods; eat less fried food; cooking oil should also be controlled within 25 grams per day.

6. Stay away from big fish and meat. During festivals, whether at home or in restaurants, almost all food is animal-based. Such a dietary structure is unreasonable for both healthy people and diabetic patients. Ingesting a large amount of animal food will inevitably lead to an increase in protein intake. Excessive protein can not only increase blood sugar, but also increase the burden on the patient's liver and kidneys and cause metabolic disorders. Facing the temptation of delicious food, patients must have a high degree of self-control. Even if they encounter the delicious food they love, they can only "taste it briefly".

7. Try to choose coarse and miscellaneous grains as staple food. In order to satisfy the taste, grains are becoming more and more refined nowadays. Especially during the holidays, few people will think of whole grains and cereals that are good for health. But the more refined the food you eat, the higher and faster your blood sugar will rise, and the worse your condition will be. Therefore, sugar lovers should try to replace refined and refined grains with coarse and miscellaneous grains, and at the same time, they should avoid eating rice cakes, glutinous rice balls, etc. that are processed from refined grains.

8. Only patients who have satisfactory blood sugar control can eat fruits. The time should be arranged between two meals. The amount of fruit consumed at one time is limited to one cereal exchange unit; such as 25 grams of rice or noodles and 200 grams of apples, oranges or 300 grams. The calories contained in 350 grams of pineapple, mango or grapefruit are roughly equal. At the same time, be careful not to make the fruit into juice for consumption.

Holidays are not an excuse for indulgence. Everyone should be strict with themselves. In addition, if you lose your appetite, can't eat, or experience various discomforts, don't delay or take medicine randomly. Please bring your medical records and go to a regular hospital specialist immediately. See a doctor and let your doctor help you.

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