Can skipping staple food lower blood sugar? Stop being such a fool

Can skipping staple food lower blood sugar? Stop being such a fool

Uncle Wang has been in a depressed mood recently. Since his wife suffered from diabetes, he has been asking around for ways to control her sugar, hoping that her disease can recover faster.

01 Hearsay almost caused a disaster

Recently, my wife met a "like-minded" sugar lover, and at the same time, Tianya became a human being. It didn't take long for the two women to become very familiar with each other. My wife often asks her for advice on sugar control medication. With the help of this senior person, my blood sugar has really stabilized a lot.

But recently, at the suggestion of this friend, my wife started the "hunger strike to lower blood sugar" - not eating staple food at all, and only eating vegetables, eggs, and meat every day. In one week, my wife has lost a lot of weight, which really worries Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang’s wife, Aunt Li, has been suffering from diabetes for 2 years, and is obviously centrally obese. Ever since she learned from her friends that eating rice, noodles and other staple foods can easily raise blood sugar, Aunt Li began to refuse to eat any staple foods. The family members No amount of persuasion is in use.

Seeing that his wife's blood sugar was getting higher and higher and her energy was getting worse and worse, Uncle Wang took Aunt Li to the hospital and asked the doctor to help persuade her to change her mind.

After the examination, the doctor found that Aunt Li's random blood sugar was 24.8mmol/L, an emergency blood ketone body test showed 4.0mmol/L, and urinary ketone bodies (3+), and she was diagnosed with "type 2 diabetic ketosis."

After timely rehydration, ketone elimination and other symptomatic treatments, Aunt Li gradually returned to normal. The doctor said, if you come later, the consequences will be serious! Aunt Li was also frightened and said that she would never dare not eat staple food again!

02 What are the dangers of not eating staple food?

Carbohydrates, protein and fat are the three main nutrients that provide energy to the human body. The main component of staple food is sugar, that is, carbohydrates. If diabetics do not eat staple food for a long time, not only will their blood sugar not be lowered, but they may also cause these harms.

1. When too few carbohydrates are ingested, there is not enough energy to maintain the body's metabolic needs, and the body is "forced" to synthesize a large amount of glucose to meet the needs, which ultimately easily induces reactive hyperglycemia.

2. Not eating staple food for a long time can cause starvation ketosis or even ketoacidosis. This is what happened to Aunt Li earlier. When energy intake is insufficient, fat can only be consumed instead of carbohydrates.

3. Increased risk of cardiovascular complications. Chinese people are accustomed to using staple food as their main source of energy. Once they do not eat staple food, they are likely to choose meat instead. Excessive fat intake will significantly increase blood sugar and blood lipids, and increase the risk of cardiovascular complications.

4. Increased risk of hypoglycemia. If the staple food intake is insufficient, hypoglycemia may easily occur. Especially for patients taking insulin secretagogues and insulin injections, they must ensure a reasonable diet structure.

Finally, I would like to emphasize again that diabetic patients cannot skip or eat less staple food just because eating staple food raises blood sugar quickly.

Because the staple food is carbohydrates, the glucose produced by them is the main energy source of the human body. If you "cut off" this energy source, the body will consume fat to maintain metabolic needs, which is very harmful to the body. .

It is recommended that patients with diabetes should try to reasonably arrange the intake of the three major nutrients in their daily diet, balance nutrition, and control the total calories at the same time, so that they can control blood sugar.

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