Being unable to keep your mouth shut is the result of a heart disease

Being unable to keep your mouth shut is the result of a heart disease

Eating habits predict personality traits

As the most basic survival need of organisms, diet includes two parts: food and eating. It not only has basic biological significance and social and cultural significance (such as providing cultural identity and a sense of belonging, etc.), but also has profound individual psychological significance.

In human psychological activities and psychological needs, there are many themes related to symbolic ingestion, such as request, possession, control, annexation, absorption and dependence. From a psychological perspective and framework, a baby sucking the breast is the most primitive and basic connection between him and the world, and it is also the most important link. Freud mentioned that in this process, the baby not only obtains food satisfaction, but also obtains an oral pleasure, which is also the prototype of adult greed.

Food is a source of energy. Eating satisfies the basic needs of the body. It also means satisfying certain psychological desires and giving people a sense of psychological pleasure. Therefore, an individual's eating is closely related to his most basic psychological needs and psychological functions, such as a sense of security, control, attachment and self-esteem.

Data from the Women's Health Initiative Survey conducted by the National Institutes of Health showed that among 139,924 samples (menopausal women aged 50 to 79) followed for an average of 14 years, 19,240 cases were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, while After excluding major health habits and depressive symptoms, we concluded that low optimism, high negativity, and high hostility were associated with an increased risk of diabetes.

A study of 3,032 samples from the American Midlife Development Survey showed that compared to people without diabetes, patients with diabetes are less open and responsible.

It can be seen that patients with diabetes tend to have negative traits in psychology and personality, such as anxiety and excessive thinking. The partial eclipse behavior in eating habits can largely predict the tendency of individual personality traits, that is, the personality traits of diabetic patients will also be expressed through eating habits, and these negative traits of diabetic patients may manifest as eating disorders in terms of diet, such as Bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, or binge eating. It is not enough to be called an eating disorder, it is just a mild eating problem, such as a partial eclipse, gluttony or refusal of certain types of food.

Eating habits linked to early upbringing

From a psychological perspective, food is related to the mother and early upbringing. Eating represents taking, and vomiting or not eating represents exclusion, that is, not accepting what others give. For example, anorexic diabetic patients pursue low and stable blood sugar and believe that the lower the weight, the better. If their blood sugar is already too low and they still eat very little, it means they do not accept their disease.


Unconsciously it represents a sense of fear, lack and high dependence on others. Unhealthy body image and eating attitudes often begin in early life and have become inherent psychological characteristics of the individual. Many diabetic patients may not meet the diagnostic criteria for eating disorders, but also have unique eating behaviors, from which the shadow of psychological disorders can be seen. Whether they tend to eat more or less, the motivation behind them is the same.

partial eclipse

When a person likes to eat a certain type of food for a long time, only eats specific foods, or resolutely does not eat a certain type of food, it may mean that this type of food has great significance to him. For example, he loves to eat staple food. It may be that his family was poor when he was young and he ate staple food. Cheap and filling, a eating habit developed since childhood. For example, the taste is sweet, and many studies have shown that it is a symbolic satisfaction of the desire for care or sexual needs. The neurobiochemical reactions triggered by eating desserts are very similar to the neural reactions during euphoria.

On the contrary to the partial eclipse, children who grew up eating Baijia rice often show their openness to food in terms of being generous, open and adaptable in life. This kind of open and adaptable person is used to freedom and can eat whatever he wants. After suffering from diabetes, asking him to start self-management means being forced to adapt to the environment and give up his freedom to choose food, which may be extremely difficult for him.

Psychological reasons why people with diabetes cannot control their diet

The so-called poor dietary control of diabetic patients is often to meet psychological needs, and the final result is to destroy physical health. Many people with diabetes play a hard-working role in life. They are afraid of their greed and may over-control their eating. Most middle-aged and elderly people with diabetes have experienced political movements or wars, and suffered from poverty and hunger when they were children. The experiences at that time are deeply imprinted on their eating habits.

Dietary management is very important in the treatment of diabetes. In some cases, it is not that the patient does not know how to manage it, nor that the actual conditions do not allow it, but he still cannot control his diet well. At this time, it is necessary to find the psychological reasons in order to better understand and Help patients.

You who read this may be a sugar patient, or a relative or friend of a sugar patient. Let us imagine: Now if you need to change your eating habits, you can’t eat your favorite cake when you want to eat it, but you have to eat it when you are greedy for meat. Control, when you want to have a drink, you have to control yourself. Is it difficult to control yourself? If you empathize, I believe you will be able to better understand the inability of people with diabetes to control their diet, and give them more attention and patience.

For people with diabetes, it is even more important to understand why they cannot control their diet well. After excluding various realistic factors, if they still cannot achieve good diet management, they need to be aware of the relationship between their eating behavior and their own psychology. Only by understanding themselves and the reasons behind it can diabetic patients truly control their diet. Otherwise, they will be driven by unconscious forces, leading to a situation where "their minds are thinking about vegetables and their hands are reaching for cakes."

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