Are you still worried about high blood sugar?

Are you still worried about high blood sugar?

Controlling blood sugar is a delicate task, and medication alone is not enough, because there are many factors that affect blood sugar!
  If you make the following 6 mistakes, it will be too difficult to control your blood sugar!
  1. Don’t eat when your blood sugar is high.
Some patients rely on skipping a meal to lower their blood sugar, which is not advisable. First, if you eat less at one meal, it is easy to eat more at the next meal. Then the task of lowering blood sugar in the next meal will become arduous, which is not conducive to the stability of blood sugar.
  Second, if you skip dinner and other hypoglycemic factors work together, your blood sugar may drop all the way, leading to hypoglycemia at night. The body’s protective mechanism causes the body to secrete a large amount of glucagon, resulting in rebound hyperglycemia in the morning. Fasting blood sugar was higher than expected.
  In other words, skipping meals is more detrimental to blood sugar control.
  2 Exercise at any time
No matter who you are, you will always benefit from exercising, especially for people with diabetes. However, exercise must be scientific, and incorrect exercise methods can only be counterproductive.
  First of all, you should evaluate yourself before exercising. It is not recommended to exercise if your blood sugar is too high, that is, your fasting blood sugar is above 13.9 mmol/L and your urine ketone bodies are positive (diabetic ketoacidosis), or your ketone bodies are negative but your fasting blood sugar is below 13.9 mmol/L. Do not exercise when the reading is above 16.7 mmol/L. Because the body is in a state of stress at this time, exercise will only secrete a large amount of glucagon, causing blood sugar to rise instead of falling.
  Second, you must choose a form of exercise that suits you. Elderly people with diabetes should choose mild exercise. High-intensity exercise can easily cause blood sugar to rise initially.
  3 Taking medicines that raise blood sugar
In addition to the well-known hypoglycemic drugs, some drugs required for other diseases will also affect blood sugar. If your life is regular and there are no other stress factors, don’t forget to check the use of other drugs when your blood sugar rises. Condition.
  Hormone drugs, gastrointestinal antispasmodics, thiazide diuretics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, etc. will all increase blood sugar. In this case, it is recommended to adjust the type and dosage of the drug.
  4 nights to sleep and wake up late
Biological clock disorders can also lead to energy metabolism abnormalities, including sleep timing disorders. Therefore, sleep is also one of the factors that affects blood sugar. Whether you go to bed too late or wake up too late, blood sugar control is not good.
  On the one hand, if you need to go to work, then going to bed late will inevitably lead to insufficient sleep time. Frequently staying up late will put the body in a state of mild and repeated sleep disorder for a long time. Research confirms that this long-term disorder can harm health, affecting sugar metabolism and, in turn, blood sugar.
  Of course, if you don’t need to go to work, going to bed late at night and getting up late in the morning will also affect your blood sugar, because you will miss the best breakfast time. It is even more inappropriate if you choose to eat brunch together because of this, which is two meals. Glycemic load taken in one meal is definitely not conducive to blood sugar control.
  It is important to control blood sugar and maintain a good biological clock!
  5. Bad mood: depression + anxiety
People feel refreshed when happy events occur, and patients with high blood pressure should not be overjoyed or overjoyed. For patients with diabetes, emotions also affect blood sugar control. If you are in a bad mood for a long time, especially when diabetes itself is regarded as a burden, controlling blood sugar can only be counterproductive. In addition, emotions such as anxiety will also have an impact on blood sugar.
  Therefore, it is recommended that diabetic patients learn more about the correct understanding of diabetes, face diabetes complications scientifically, and figure out how to control blood sugar and how to prevent complications. Understanding this knowledge can help relieve mental stress.
  Being happy every day is good for controlling blood sugar!
  6 Lack of family love
Everything thrives in harmony with the family. In fact, patients with diabetes need more care from their families. Research shows that a harmonious marital relationship can not only soothe the emotions of diabetic patients, improve their acceptance of diabetes and quality of life, but may also enable patients to achieve better blood sugar control.
  On the contrary, if the family is not harmonious and there are constant quarrels, it will virtually increase the psychological pressure for diabetic patients, which is also not conducive to blood sugar control.
  I hope that the family members of the patient with diabetes can pay more attention to the patient with diabetes, eat with them, exercise together, and integrate into his life, so that he can get more support and be healthier!
  If you change the above 6 items, I believe your blood sugar will be better!
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