A good attitude is the best way to treat diabetes

A good attitude is the best way to treat diabetes

Abstract: When diabetes is first discovered, most people are confused and feel that the end of the world is coming. Some people may even continue to be in this state. If they do not correct their mentality, diabetes will be uncontrollable. Diabetes not only requires treatment with drugs, diet, exercise, etc., psychological treatment is also extremely important. Today’s course will take people with diabetes as an example to analyze the importance of psychotherapy. I hope it will be helpful to the majority of diabetic patients.

Sugar lover Monkey Liu Ye shared: I only know that many sugar lovers, including me, almost became depressed when they first started taking sugar, so how to adjust their mental health is what we urgently need to do after we have the means to control blood sugar!

Generally, Gangtang friends can be divided into three mental states:

1 Friends who are ignorant and fearless mainly do not know enough about DM. They only know that if I take medicine or get an injection, everything will be fine, or they don’t think it is a disease at all. They let their blood sugar go unchecked, and they feel good every day, but they themselves The damage is like boiling a frog in warm water, which is the most undesirable.

Friends with the 2 cup bow snake shadow type have a certain understanding of the dangers and knowledge of DM, but they also have a partial or one-sided understanding, resulting in a great fear of DM or fear of the future, and they live in fear and annoyance all day long. (I have experienced such days for a while. It’s not that I can’t control it well, but I just think about the possible complications. I can’t say I shed tears every day, but there are always dark clouds over my head... I feel that at that time... I almost suffered from depression) I have come into contact with a lot of these sugar lovers, and they are also the majority of new sugar lovers now.

3 Friends who have a good time and leisure type have a relatively comprehensive understanding of DM knowledge and have certain means of controlling sugar. They can also be called old sugar. New sugar that has emerged from the shadows can advance to this stage. (I think so now^^). Next, let’s talk about how to advance to this stage. . . . .

1. Join more sugar friends communities or WeChat penguin groups to communicate with sugar friends. Ask more sugar friends for advice. Only by communicating with people of the same kind can you learn more experiences, get enlightenment from seniors, and gradually start to open up. open heart;

2. Do things you like and find some activities that interest you to participate in to distract your attention (I like to play games, and my phone is full of games);

3. Go out and don’t stay stuck at home with treadmills. Steppers are just a piece of cake. Go out and walk to an open environment, you will find that your mood will brighten up, listen to light songs, and listen to jokes (I recommend "Haha Coke Pie" for jokes. If it's not funny, you slap me...)

4. Comprehensively understand your own body and do a comprehensive physical examination (please skip automatically if you have done so when you are diagnosed) fundus, 24-hour urine trace, liver and kidney function, etc., to fully understand your own body, so that you can know the actual complications. Don’t worry about those who are far away from you! 5. Learn diabetes knowledge. If you study DM knowledge seriously, you can only defeat it by understanding your opponent, right? In short, when dealing with DM, we should pay attention to it, but not be overly afraid of it, because it can be defeated! Didn’t Mao Taizu say: Strategically, we must despise the enemy?
Tactically, we must pay attention to the enemy. This can also be applied. . . . . Good mood, good blood sugar, good body!

Lulu, a sugar lover, shared: I see some sugar friends complaining about themselves and wiping away tears every day. I see it in my eyes and feel anxious in my heart. I want to ask: Is it useful for you to think about these things every day? Is it helpful to your health? You have such a mentality No, you will probably be the first to fall!!! What a great atmosphere among Sugar Nurse’s sugar friends. Everyone is actively fighting against this “disease of wealth” every day. In life, your neighbors are surrounded by teachers. It’s a common disease that all good friends suffer from. My neighbor was in his 40s and had a cerebral thrombosis, and then became diabetic. He walked with one foot holding the other every day. Now he is over 70. He helps the girl's son with the children, buys vegetables at the morning market every day, smiles at everyone, and can't control it. It’s fine!! Are you worse than her???

It's not okay to start to slump without the hospital placing a critical illness order! We must be strong-willed and confident in order to create miracles. If you are in a good mood, the people around you will be in a good mood. If you are unhappy every day, the people around you will also be unhappy. All diseases are related to emotions and living habits. Another point is that a person will love someone who is worthy of his love. Anyone's love is mutual attraction.

You transmit negative energy every day, and as time goes by, you will attract less and less things. You push everyone's expectations and love for you out little by little. Until then, no matter how much you cry, no one will watch! In this big family, we have such good sugar control experts who are always answering everyone’s questions, and there are so many sugar lovers who are always sharing their experiences. So many strangers are warming each other up. I think we are much luckier to those cancer patients!!! Everyone, cheer up, we must live a better quality life, and enjoy every day on the premise of better quality! Enjoy! It has happened, and decadence has also happened! It is better to live a wonderful life every day and make life more meaningful!!! Although Lulu's words are very straightforward, they are not unreasonable.

From this it seems that mentality is very important. So, what impact do psychological factors such as bad mood have on diabetic patients? Among the symptoms of diabetes, not only psychological factors will affect diabetes, but also the personality and mental state of the diabetic patient itself. Some adult patients almost always experience varying degrees of anxiety or depression once they learn that they have diabetes. Child patients are often different from other children because they have this disease, which leads to sadness and shrinkage, and they are unwilling to talk to others. The treatment may be affected by people approaching or taking an openly defiant attitude. Especially for middle-aged and elderly patients with diabetes, some patients need to inject insulin every day, which has a negative impact on work, life and marriage.

Therefore, the patient's psychological disorder is very obvious, and he often shows low self-esteem, worry, disappointment and frustration, anxiety, and is eager to get help from family members and doctors. So in daily life, what is psychotherapy? Psychotherapy is also called psychotherapy. It refers to the process of medical staff treating patients and communicating with each other. Medical staff use language, attitude, expression and behavior to influence patients, thereby changing The patient's cognition, emotion and behavior, etc., can build confidence in overcoming the disease, reduce or eliminate various tensions, negative emotions and abnormal behaviors that cause the patient's pain, as well as various physical characteristics resulting therefrom.

Through psychological treatment, the patient's mental and physical condition can be improved to achieve therapeutic effects. Diabetologists have always believed that psychotherapy and drug treatment are necessary. As long as it is used properly, mild patients can achieve satisfactory results without medication, or the dosage of medication can be reduced. It can be seen that psychological therapy is beneficial to almost all patients with diabetes.

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