5 things you should pay attention to if you have diabetes in your family

5 things you should pay attention to if you have diabetes in your family

Having diabetes means that it will be with you for life. Such a long process is a big test for diabetics and their families. In addition to requiring special attention to diet and exercise, diabetic patients also need the support and help of their family members.

Whether you are a family member or friend of a diabetic patient, when getting along with them, please remember the following precautions. I believe they will thank you.

01 Take proper care of diabetics when traveling

Traveling is all about being happy and joyful. Although there is no need to treat diabetics as patients who need care, they have many things to pay attention to in aspects such as diet and exercise. Therefore, we still need to try our best to be considerate and take care of diabetics. Check out their emotions.

For example, in terms of diet, diabetics cannot eat foods with high sugar content or high glycemic index. Therefore, when ordering food when dining out, one should consider their situation and choose dishes that suit them.

Patients who need oral hypoglycemic drugs or insulin injections should remember to remind them to take their medications on time and give them sufficient time.

And because people with diabetes are likely to need to bring blood glucose meters, test strips, disinfectants, medicines, etc. when going out, don’t bother them because these are all necessary supplies.

02Be considerate of the mood of diabetics

For every diabetic friend, self-management of diabetes is not a simple matter. It requires strong perseverance. Controlling diet, persisting in exercise, and monitoring blood sugar every day... none of it is easy.

When it comes to food, diabetics cannot eat as much as they want, but this does not mean that diabetics cannot eat any sweets. It is better to control the amount when blood sugar is stable.

However, some family members are so worried that whenever they see their diabetic friends eating sweets, they will persuade them earnestly. In fact, as family members, you should know some knowledge about diabetic diet, be considerate of their greed, know how to persuade, and know how difficult it is to feel sorry for them. Bring a little sweetness to the lives of sugar lovers.

03Understanding young diabetics

For a long time, many people still stay in the old concept, thinking that diabetes is a disease that the elderly will suffer from. Therefore, if they hear that some young people around them have diabetes, they will look at it strangely and privately think that it is them " It’s your own fault.”

In fact, both genetic and environmental factors may cause diabetes. We should view diabetes with a correct and kind perspective, without prejudice, be more tolerant and considerate.

And those young people with diabetes should also relax their mentality and not give up on themselves. What others say is other people's business. They can live their own lives and face the disease actively, and they can still have a normal life.

04Understand the mood of people with diabetes not to disclose their condition

If you had a life-long, incurable disease, would you want everyone around you to know? I believe that most people are unwilling to disclose their condition.

In fact, everyone has his own privacy. As long as it does not affect other people's lives, then whether he wants to talk about his private matters or not is his personal wish. We should not make irresponsible remarks behind other people's backs or expose their scars.

Of course, we still recommend that people with diabetes can disclose your condition to their relatives and friends. In this way, people who love you will be willing to help you and supervise you. I believe that people who care about you will use practical actions to support you.

05 People with diabetes can also fall in love and get married normally

In today's era when the marriage rate is getting lower and lower, and the divorce rate is getting higher and higher, if a young man who is already under great pressure also suffers from diabetes, then this will definitely be a heavy blow to him, and he may be even more depressed as a result. Pessimistic and lost, with no desire to fall in love or get married.

Young people with diabetes must think in a positive direction. Having diabetes does not mean that they cannot find a compatible partner, nor does it mean that their children will also develop diabetes in the future.

A good partner will definitely face difficulties with you, give you care and support, and help you control your blood sugar. If you want a baby, you can listen to the doctor's advice. Don't let diabetes hinder your happiness.

I believe that having a good partner can help you go faster and further on the road to sugar control. A stable and warm family life will not only give you the confidence to go on, but will also bring you a healthy life.

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