300 million residents change the way of diabetes

300 million residents change the way of diabetes

Elderly people, diabetes, lifelong treatment, if you were labeled with these, would you feel that your life has lost its luster?

Especially those born in the 1950s and 1960s who once suffered hardships. They thought they could enjoy their old age freely, but they were forced to go back to the old days of "cooking cabbage with water." Some people became depressed because of this, and some people gave up on themselves.

But there are still a group of elderly diabetic patients who have become more positive, optimistic, confident and happy. Their wonderful life makes them "lollipops" - a group of people who are inspired to pursue a better life because of diabetes!

What the "Change Diabetes Fund" needs is just such a group of "lollipops". This year, eight "lollipops" with an average age of more than half a century formed a fitness team. They stood out from more than 200 teams of diabetic patients from 20 cities across the country and won the championship. In 2018, the "Change Diabetes Fund" supported role model patients who challenged their sports dreams.

They will use this fund to fulfill their challenges and expectations - to use their actions to influence more patients, show the power of their role models, and inspire lost patients to once again establish the confidence to embrace a better life.

From "Destroyed by Diagnosis" to "Active Street Cadre"

"The fasting blood sugar was 11.7, and the 2-hour sugar water was 18.8. In July 2001, after a chronic disease screening for community residents, I was diagnosed with diabetes. I was working in the community neighborhood committee at the time, and I was the only one among the cadres who participated in the screening to win the lottery. That I was just 50 years old." Chai Jumei, who has been "sugar-age" for 17 years, recalled that when she was diagnosed with diabetes, her heart was still a little sour. This meant that it had been 17 years since she said goodbye to her favorite sweets since she was a child. .

Although through later knowledge dissemination, Chai Jumei learned that diabetes is not only preventable but also controllable, but even so, she was still very afraid of the disease. The words "cannot be cured" and "lifelong medication" often come to mind. In the first few years, blood sugar control was not very satisfactory.

“It wasn’t until 2005 that the Caoyang Street Health Service Center in Putuo District established a community diabetes health education and guidance station. I served as the team leader and assisted community doctors in organizing regular health education lectures. I understood that the five carriages can effectively control blood sugar and prevent complications, and I felt better. Gradually I became calmer and took the initiative to pass on scientific knowledge to more patients."

When talking about the benefits of exercise in improving diabetes, Chai Jumei suddenly started talking: "I tasted the benefits by keeping my mouth shut and moving my legs. I walked and did aerobics, taking at least 10,000 steps a day, and lost 20 pounds. I am in a good mood, look good, and are in good health. People around me say that I feel like a different person. After joining the aerobics team, I made a lot of new friends. We all didn’t know each other before, then we got to know each other, and then we got close and helped each other. While exercising together, sharing the experience of controlling and lowering blood sugar makes everyone feel happier and even sleep better at night. This is the best peer education. I hope to help more people with diabetes around me. "

From "pretend not to see" to "supervisor of the whole family"

"Although I am now actively participating in various activities for people with diabetes, in fact, when I first learned that I had diabetes, I was even embarrassed to tell my family." Chen Jianting, a former worker, did not care at all when he found that his blood sugar was a little high during a physical examination at the factory. , I feel that I am still young in my forties, so I don’t need to see a doctor. It wasn't until his fasting blood sugar reached the high 20s, and the doctor said it must be diabetes, that he truly believed he had the disease.

Chen Jianting said: "Those of us who were born in the age of natural disasters didn't have much to eat when we were young. When we finally got better, we started eating and drinking heavily. In addition, we didn't have the habit of exercising. As a result, we suffered from the 'disease of wealth'." '." However, once this unhealthy lifestyle is formed, it takes a lot of energy and effort to correct it, and it may even take many detours to get on the right track.

“In the beginning, I didn’t pay much attention to this disease, and I didn’t attend regular patient education classes as recommended by the doctor. I just followed my own feelings and used fatigue + hunger to lose weight. I didn’t even dare to eat a full meal. It was so painful. You can imagine." Since Chen Jianting participated in the community's activities to change diabetes, he learned from other patients that you can lose weight and control sugar even if you eat well, and the key is to exercise. "I am tone-deaf and uncoordinated in dancing. When I joined the aerobics team, I just wanted to move around more and sweat." In Chen Jianting's words, he was forced into the team at the time, and he and his teammates supervised each other. Blood sugar control.

At home, he has very strict control over the lifestyle of his children and family. "I often tell my son and daughter-in-law that one fried dough stick needs to be eaten by four people. If you want to avoid the disease of wealth, you should not eat and drink too much, but eat less and move more. My current lifestyle is your example. I hope the next generation will not I will get this disease again.”

From "the hand being held" to "holding someone else's hand"

The generation born in the 1950s and 1960s, who have come through hard times, are the most grateful generation. "If I hadn't met an enthusiastic and responsible doctor at the community hospital, I might still be worried about the high and low blood sugar, and perhaps there would have been complications." Hong Dengrong considers himself a lucky person. He always expresses his gratitude to the doctor for his words. On the lips, "Several of us with diabetes often say together that the community hospital is really good, and there are so many good doctors who care about us. So sometimes my blood sugar control is not good, and I feel embarrassed when I see the doctor, like A student fails to complete his homework and fails the exam and is embarrassed to see the teacher.”

At this time, the smart doctor always seemed to be able to see through Hong Dengrong's heart. She walked out of the consulting room with a smile, took Hong Dengrong's hand, and said, "Let's go! Come with me to measure blood sugar." "The moment her hand was taken. , it feels like a parent holding on to their child, which makes me deeply feel the doctor’s responsibility and love for the patient." Hong Dengrong said.

In order to live up to the doctor's responsibility to herself, Hong Dengrong turned the knowledge she learned from the peer group into action. "I have been ill for nearly three or four years. I insist on walking briskly after dinner. Every day I go to the university playground near my home with my lover and walk 6 times. In addition, the round trip distance from home to school is exactly 5 kilometers. Even when it rains, we insist on walking. I finished the walk with an umbrella." Hong Dengrong believes that after starting exercise to change his life with diabetes, he and his wife have a better relationship. "I also take the initiative to take on housework, which kills two birds with one stone, reducing my wife's workload and increasing my amount of exercise. "

Today, Hong Dengrong is an active member of the aerobics team. He said that doing aerobics is more interesting than simply walking. "Aerobics requires you to perform movements in accordance with the rhythm of music, exercise coordination, and make you feel more happy. After jumping a circle, you feel that the blood in the whole body is smooth and relaxed. And I found that after 3 minutes of doing this aerobics, my blood sugar can be reduced by 0.2, which is really immediate. Effect."

"Happy sugar control, happy exercise, blood sugar reaches 7." This is Hong Dengrong's true voice after gaining health and happiness.

Changing diabetes – the power of community

Doctor Ning Jing is a special member of the Caoyang Street Health Exercise Team. As the "guardian angel" of this team, Dr. Ning's companionship enables these "lollipops" in their 60s and 70s to ensure the quality of training and avoid adverse events such as hypoglycemia during daily training.

"As a doctor, being able to help patients achieve these changes is the greatest satisfaction and happiness." But Dr. Ning also admitted that this journey has not been easy. "When I first came into contact with diabetic patients in the community, I didn't know how to better help them. Apart from persuading them earnestly, I just visited them regularly. But at the beginning, the elderly didn't seem to 'buy in'. Mobilizing and organizing patients in the community Participating in the National Health Exercise Selection Competition gives our community doctors a very good opportunity to understand the voices of patients, and therefore have a better understanding of what patients need and how to guide them to scientifically lower and control their blood sugar. Now the team has won and won the 'Changing Diabetes' award. The foundation's support also gives me more confidence, and I see the power that frontline communities can contribute under the mission of changing diabetes."

The community is the main battlefield for controlling chronic diseases such as diabetes. If more "Lollipops" can actively play the role of role models, its energy will be unlimited. Dr. Ning often says this to diabetic patients in his community: "Having diabetes may be a good thing, because you will pay more attention to a healthy lifestyle and may live better than those who do not have diabetes!"

From "innovative drugs" to "beyond drugs"

To benefit 300 million residents, innovative drugs alone are not enough.

DAWN2TM research shows that in China, 12% of diabetic patients may be depressed, 52% of diabetic patients suffer psychological pain due to their illness, and 19% of patients are discriminated against because of their diabetes.

So, Novo Nordisk wanted to do a "big or small thing".

It is said to be a "small matter" because it does not happen in a large hospital under the spotlight, but in a community hospital and general practitioner that is closer to the patient's real life; it is said to be a "big matter" because we want to use " Projects represented by "Blue Communities" cover thousands of communities and general practitioners across the country, and ultimately it is hoped that 300 million residents will benefit like the elderly in the Caoyang Street Community in Shanghai.

At the same time, the "Change Diabetes Fund" established in conjunction with the China Medical and Health Development Foundation will encourage more and more Chinese diabetic patients to no longer be afraid of the disease and to be like Dr. Ning Jing and the aerobics team she protects. Get out of the haze of disease, live a healthy and happy life, and become a "lollipop" under the sun.

About China Medical and Health Development Foundation

China Medical and Health Care Development Foundation is a national social welfare organization established with the approval of the State Council. Its purpose is to put people first, help the poor, and serve the people's physical and mental health. It is hoped that social forces at home and abroad can be used to raise funds to help the government solve the problem of difficult and expensive medical treatment for poor and vulnerable groups in urban and rural areas.

About the Changing Diabetes Fund

The Changing Diabetes Fund was officially established in 2017 by the China Medical and Health Development Foundation and Novo Nordisk. It aims to encourage and support diabetic patients to challenge themselves through exercise, combat the psychological burden caused by diabetes, and advocate more positive Attitude to life, bravely pursue and realize your dreams. Help patients face diabetes positively, improve their quality of life and realize their self-worth.

About Novo Nordisk

With a history of 95 years, Novo Nordisk is a company always committed to innovation and a leader in the field of diabetes. This heritage also gives us the experience and ability to help people overcome other serious chronic diseases, such as hemophilia, growth hormone disorders and obesity. Headquartered in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, Novo Nordisk has approximately 42,700 employees in 79 countries and regions around the world and provides products and services to more than 170 countries and regions around the world. Novo Nordisk China official website: http://www.novonordisk.com.cn/

About blue community

The "Blue Community" project is a large-scale patient education project that aims to improve the diagnosis and treatment rates of community patients through dissemination in the community and systematic education of patients through exercise intervention (health exercises) and online and offline. In 2018, the project has covered 20 cities across the country, more than 2,400 communities, more than 1,200 general practitioners, and a total of 350,000 patients online and offline. The "Blue Community" project aims to build a platform for close communication between community doctors and patients and improve the self-management capabilities of community patients. The "Blue Community" National Health Exercise Competition is a competition in which diabetic patients organized and managed by community health service agencies that carry out the project participate in the health exercise competition. In the end, the team from Caoyang Street Community in Shanghai stood out from more than 200 teams across the country.

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